Smokey Wednesday

bg13 Posts: 4,598
edited December 2015 in The Crudcatcher
Morning chumps,

My one day off this week started about an hour ago when i realised my room was filling with smoke, turns out the two chalet hosts/chefs needed the oven on to cook something when they got in smashed last night! And didn't bother turning the farker off! Oven off, windows open and all is returning to normal. They are dead to the world so a bit of a chat will occur when the clowns wake up!

Other than that, actual walking will take place today.

Loving life in rural SW France

Orange 5 Pro
Ribble Audax
On One Scandal 29er


  • Morning Losers!

    Ha! I remember setting the smoke detectors off when we got home one night and put a pizza in, fell asleep in the kitchen and woke to the sound of the siren. Good times.

    Well last night I went for the actual walk, twas nice.

    Today, I have soldering to do (Again) and a lot of paper sorting. I could really do with a minion to be honest! Tonight, I need to finish off the final present wrappings, and a bit of tidying and then I'm done!

    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    Last day at work today :) so celebrating in the pub later
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,955
    I could really do with a minion to be honest!
    Careful what you wish for.
    Morning all,
    No smoke without fire, unless you're burning food or lots of other things that create smoke without flames being present.
    I might try to tidy my desk today, although it may not happen. I'm sure cake will feature during the course of the day. Should be having a cafe visit later as it's the last full day, so a fake fryday as it were. This is good as I'm sure I will only be eating healthy food over the next week or so.
    Tea has been delivered, now where are those biscuits?
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • y2keable
    y2keable Posts: 349
    Last day at work until the 4th, today my productivity will be - nil

    Tomorrow, up early and driving down to Hitchin. Help!
    <hr noshade size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><b><font color="black">Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, stay down. </font id="black"><font color="red"> Embrase pain.</font id="red"></b></font id="Book Antiqua">
    <hr noshade size="1">
    [:D] Paying close attention to my mental hygeine. [:D]
  • Careful what you wish for.
    Well I've got the paperwork done and done some other stuff, it's not going too badly now. No chance of a minion coming in though, one's in Dubai and the other will never receive a phonecall from me. Ever. I don't think I'd ring him if I was being crushed in a studio and needed someone strong to come and lift it off me, I'd seriously call anyone but him!
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • oodboo
    oodboo Posts: 2,171

    Finally made it to the last working day before Christmas. Still not feeling Christmasy though, making the effort for the kids though. Today I'll be doing fark all, except charging my work phone, that counts as work right?

    Think I'll head out for an early lunch.

    I love horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friends.

  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,511
    Yay, first day off of many, good lie in, couple of outings with the hound. The girls have spent loads of my money and Im going to do a few jobs before dossing sets in :)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]