Need help choosing aero rim depth

nilla Posts: 13
edited December 2015 in Road general
Okay Bike Radar crew,

I've have been mulling over buying a new wheel set for some time and i have finally got to where i think i am close to pulling the trigger but i am not so sure on the rim depth to get.

I have been doing quite a bit of research on the topic and trying to arrive at a consensus. A lot of concern regarding the depth seems to come from cross wind. For example a quote from a post on this very forum on the subject:
riding across the moor when it's windy even with a 38mm rim is not fun, 50mm would be scary.
However, i have yet to come across anyone quantifying what they consider 'windy' or high wind. 15mph? Greater than 20mph? I need rider experience on the topic of wind to help me determine how much i should be concerned with the topic of cross wind.

Additionally, I saw quite a few people saying to ride a slightly deeper rim depth on the back wheel, such as 38mm/50mm or 50mm/60mm and was wondering if anyone can espouse on the pros and cons of this advice.

It should be noted that i live in central Florida so climbing and descents are of no concern here at all save going over the occasional bridge here and there.

Your opinions and experience are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
