Pubday Wednesday

veronese68 Posts: 27,950
edited December 2015 in The bottom bracket
Morning all,
Lovely and fresh out there, clear sky and no wind made for a lovely ride in. Actually felt like December temperature wise as well. Getting a bit quiet work wise so trying to tidy up and getting involved in more things to stop me going stir crazy. Bunking off early to sort out the poxy bloody headlight on the old man's car later.
Enjoy the office politics if you play that game. I shall carry on telling it like it is and probably upsetting a few people along the way. If they weren't such tossers they wouldn't get upset when I remind them of the fact.
nearly out of ginger nuts, might have to go to Sainsbury's later.
Kinesis Pro6
Marin Nail Trail
Cotic Solaris
Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
