Freehub change on Superstar Volta hubs

hazy_day Posts: 84
edited November 2015 in Road buying advice
I have a set of these with a Campagnolo freehub and was wondering can I change to Shimano 11 speed with the intention of running Shimano 10 speed with a spacer. That way I can leave my options open.


  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    Pretty sure that the following is true :

    The Volta hubs will accept a 10 speed Volta Shimano freehub

    Only if your hubs are Volta EVO will they accept the 11 speed Volta Evo Shimano freehub.

    For a definitive answer Superstar are the best folks to ask, though.
  • Thought you were Superstar though, Paxbotv7? So I guess that's the definitive answer.
  • I suppose what I really wanted to find out, are these Novatec hubs and if so what freehub body can be used?
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    Thought you were Superstar though, Paxbotv7? So I guess that's the definitive answer.

    Your reply doesn't offer the OP anything. The photographer really caught your best side here though ........Adorable !
  • Come on Paxington, I'm missing your usual nastiness. Must Try Harder.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    I suppose what I really wanted to find out, are these Novatec hubs and if so what freehub body can be used?

    They are built by Novatec to SS specs so you you really do need to speak to Superstar, or use their Freehubs, to be sure.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Thought you were Superstar though, Paxbotv7? So I guess that's the definitive answer.

    PaxGarths021SSC must have a hotline that rings every time the word 'Superstar' is mentioned on this forum.

    I'm going to try it!

  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    The above hasn't tried to help the OP in anyway, so essentially is just an online heckler. Bet there'll be trouble when Snow White finds out Dopey has been using her WiFi again ... :wink:
  • robbo2011
    robbo2011 Posts: 1,017
    Perhaps the OP and $uperstar/SLR021/Paxington are the one and the same person. Just a thought.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    Perhaps the OP and $uperstar/SLR021/Paxington are the one and the same person. Just a thought.

    New to thinking then I take it ? I have to say to "heckers et al" though, way to go on attempting to make cyclists in general (and BR users in particular)look like a complete bunch of weirdos. Someone tries to post(hopefully) a useful answer to a genuine question and it brings forth a torrent of BS from the likes of you .
    It seems that even current extreme world events aren't enough to deflect your feeble minds from their paranoid "profundities"... Fu$ktards
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Perhaps the OP and $uperstar/SLR021/Paxington are the one and the same person. Just a thought.

    That's probably not as far-fetched an idea as it sounds. Seeing as the more regular forum users choose to make fun of him and avoid directly conversing with him, maybe he's reduced to making up yet more fake accounts so he can converse with himself.

    It definitely seems that it only takes one mention of 'Superstar' (ohhhh, I've mentioned it again!) to make him appear though. I had visions of having to say it three times in a row, Candyman style.
  • robbo2011
    robbo2011 Posts: 1,017
    It's not far fetched at all. It's a well known marketing tactic aimed at raising brand awareness and to create a 'buzz' about a product. Usually carried out by small start up or one man band type companies with no marketing budgets.

    I've seen it done before on the audio forums that I have frequented.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    With all due respect (yes very little) all that you clowns have proved is that you are petty minded, OCD types who don't watch news at ten..... Very sad little souls indeed.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Perhaps the OP and $uperstar/SLR021/Paxington are the one and the same person. Just a thought.

    It definitely seems that it only takes one mention of 'Superstar' (ohhhh, I've mentioned it again!) to make him appear though.

    Yep, it definitely works.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79

    Yoda's little brother seems to have a very poor grasp of the laws of cause and effect..... Keeping it simple for the context of this thread, he's very-much the toad with the natty brolly.
  • To the OP:

    The Volta are not Novatec, they have an inverted freehub design, where the pawls sit on the hub shell rather than on the freehub body. I can't remember which far eastern manufacturer makes those, could well be the same that makes American Classic hubs, which have the same mechanism.

    No idea if an 11 speed body will fit. I suppose you can order one and if it doesn't fit return it. It is your right as consumer to return un-used goods. The good thing about cheap stuff is that

    a) it is cheap
    b) it comes without too much packaging and it's easier to return un-damaged
    left the forum March 2023
  • Thanks Ugo.I was afraid this would happen at the mention of the word Superstar.Just to clarify I am not any of the incarnations of Paxington. I was just looking for info and with the Sterling/Euro exchange rate at the moment trying to save some money. Thanks to all.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    The simple mention of a company name really shouldn't bring forth such a shower of accusation, paranoid thinking, hair-brained conspiracy theories regarding surreptitious "marketing" ploys and false identities, but sadly it does. All this without even the merest attempt at answering the OP's query. The sad thing is that their spam posts, with their cyber-bully ethos, do very little to enhance the image of the forum.
    I don't think that they're particularly spiteful people, just that they are behaving in much the same way as Pavlov's dog did.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    Thanks Ugo.I was afraid this would happen at the mention of the word Superstar.Just to clarify I am not any of the incarnations of Paxington. I was just looking for info and with the Sterling/Euro exchange rate at the moment trying to save some money. Thanks to all.

    To be honest, none of us were serious in accusing you of being paxington as you're not obnoxious, full of yourself and a general tw@t. :lol:
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    Oh so you didn't mean what you said. Really ? That sounds like, as Wossy might say : A cwok of sh1t to me... Just let it go dude, your vitriol just makes you look sad, give it a miss... :roll:
  • We're in an irony-free zone here where Superstar's latest Paxbot accuses others of spouting vitriol.

    Total lack of self-awareness.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79


    Good job little fella ! Another purr-fectly conditioned response. What do those woofers know eh .....
  • Do you even know what you're on about anymore?
  • I thought he was banned?
  • Apparently one can have multiple different incarnations - each one of them with the same winning personality - and shill for one's own company while still remaining on BR.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    I thought he was banned?

    He is, except he keeps then reappearing using new usernames and avoids being detected by either using a proxy to hide his IP address or he jumps around various computer rooms of wherever he frequents in Bristol (I assume it's a college). Either way, it's a lot of trouble just to post on a forum where everyone knows you to be an obnoxious moron.

    Anyway, it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm more than content just to know that eveyone understands what his MO is. It's also quite ironic that he should be talking about conditioned responses, as his primary stimulus is clearly 'Superstar'. It's almost fun keeping him on and seeing him jump to each and every mention of it.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79
    I have say Dennis that for someone who's "not bothered" you sound very uptight, obsessed even. And they let you attempt to educate our kids ? God help us......
  • I have say Dennis that for someone who's "not bothered" you sound very uptight, obsessed even. And they let you attempt to educate our kids ? God help us......
    Obsessed, now let me see.
    Fall out with everyone on a forum, get booted,re-register. Repeat, repeat repeat.
    Ps your superstar wheels are badly built I'll tensioned hoops from hell.
    Your persistence just puts anyone else off buying them.
  • SLR021
    SLR021 Posts: 79

    There's something about Nigel