Just a Few More Hours (Friday)...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited November 2015 in The Crudcatcher
Morning Losers!

The minute work finishes, I'm out of there. It's been a loooong week, and I want to enjoy my weekend.

I have a few meetings to attend, but that's about it so hopefully today should go pretty smoothly. Then over to Bury for shenanigans.

It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,287
    Yeah Friday

    Long week here too, my being good & not drinking failed last night - had a giggle though so :)

    Today is working from home today as I'm off out at early doors to somewhere unknown as the wife has arranged a surprise for my birthday w.end - I'm going to be disappointed if its not a threesome :)
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Yeah Friday

    Long week here too, my being good & not drinking failed last night - had a giggle though so :)

    Today is working from home today as I'm off out at early doors to somewhere unknown as the wife has arranged a surprise for my birthday w.end - I'm going to be disappointed if its not a threesome :)

    The mrs, you and another bloke?

    Bonjour merde munchers,

    Taking the car to be converted to french, i shall leave the car there and will pedal back, this is a problem as there are hills and all i've done recently is shovel horse muck, meaning my back is in tatters! I may walk some of it. The return leg should be a bit easier!

    Onwards to croissants avec confiture!
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,287
    Yeah Friday

    Long week here too, my being good & not drinking failed last night - had a giggle though so :)

    Today is working from home today as I'm off out at early doors to somewhere unknown as the wife has arranged a surprise for my birthday w.end - I'm going to be disappointed if its not a threesome :)

    The mrs, you and another bloke?

    :shock: is that why Stevo cancelled the BPW day?
  • kinioo
    kinioo Posts: 776
    Morning Ladies,

    Literally I'm on board flying to Germany for a 3-day weekend.

    C u later!!

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    I'm going to be disappointed if its not a threesome :)

    The mrs, you and another bloke?

    :shock: is that why Stevo cancelled the BPW day?
    Worryingly, that was my first thought too.

    Morning felchers,
    Very glad it's Fryday. Wobbled in on the old Marin as I'm going to the pub straight from work, unfortunately with people from work. Might not stay too long as punching phucktards is generally frowned upon. Even if they pretty much ask you to. Mind you, I still get bought drinks by a customer/competitor for lamping someone about 20 years ago that now works for them.
    Need to try and tidy my desk as the company owners are coming over from the US next week, unfortunately they might talk to me as well which is dull. Not too much going on this weekend other than drinking and fireworks. This is good, but clearly subject to change.
    Tea is being made for me and I have biscuits, things can only go downhill between now and 5:30. Unlike Stevo.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,350
    You're all a bunch of pervs :)

    I am an honorary Frechman today as I have the day off work.

    Coffee has been supped and a couple of jobs done. Hound is about to be walked then I need to avoid the list that the trouble n strife wants to give me :roll:

    Happy birthday TLW, we're having a whip round to buy you zimmer frame.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Morning anus chocolate eaters...

    Today I am in work. but I will flee bang on time as the mrs is away tonight so I have unlimited access to playstation!!!

    I have almost acceptable coffee all I need now is a power nap!
  • y2keable
    y2keable Posts: 349
    There's not enough coffee in the world to get me through today.

    Happy Friday chaps!

    Waiting for my shock to come back from the repair centre so no riding this weekend. The girl doesn't know so she thinks I'm dumping the bike just to spend the whole weekend with her ;)

    <hr noshade size="1"><font face="Book Antiqua"><b><font color="black">Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, </font id="black"><font color="blue">get up. </font id="blue"><font color="black"> Crash, stay down. </font id="black"><font color="red"> Embrase pain.</font id="red"></b></font id="Book Antiqua">
    <hr noshade size="1">
    [:D] Paying close attention to my mental hygeine. [:D]
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    You're all a bunch of pervs :)

    I am an honorary Frechman today as I have the day off work

    Have you washed?

    Do you have garlic breath after your raw bulb of garlic that you had for brekky?

    Are you wearing a stripey blue and white shirt, beret and string of onions?

    Are you smoking galloises?

    Drinking pastis?

    You could well be French!
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,350
    You're all a bunch of pervs :)

    I am an honorary Frechman today as I have the day off work

    Have you washed?

    Do you have garlic breath after your raw bulb of garlic that you had for brekky?

    Are you wearing a stripey blue and white shirt, beret and string of onions?

    Are you smoking galloises?

    Drinking pastis?

    You could well be French!
    Bugger, I thought skiving off work was good enough :oops:
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • You're all a bunch of pervs :)

    I am an honorary Frechman today as I have the day off work

    Have you washed?

    Do you have garlic breath after your raw bulb of garlic that you had for brekky?

    Are you wearing a stripey blue and white shirt, beret and string of onions?

    Are you smoking galloises?

    Drinking pastis?

    You could well be French!
    Bugger, I thought skiving off work was good enough :oops:

    I have been drinking coffee, and smell strongly of garlic, and though in work have done as little as humanly possible today...

    Im close... so close!
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Morning bum bandits,

    Many happy bummings Tlw!

    Financial auditors have been here for 4 hours so far so I've managed to get sweet F.A done today. Why are they always such dweebs?

    House to myself tonight so will be Domino's and turbo trainer, at the same time like a hero.

  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Off to the cafe to eat dead piggy like an Englishman. None of this French bollox for me.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…