pacenti sl23's

Posts: 266
Hi all,
Im running Pacenti sl23's with Gp4000s 23mm. Whats the consensus about tyre pressure on the rims? I know they are wider and should be able to run a lower pressure but, I'm assuming this is in my head, i never feel quite as fast running 85psi?!
When on the rollers I'm running 85psi with this set up, but on my hplus son rims with the same tyres I'm running 95-100 psi and there is a noticeable difference in speed. Maybe 2mph..
Im running Pacenti sl23's with Gp4000s 23mm. Whats the consensus about tyre pressure on the rims? I know they are wider and should be able to run a lower pressure but, I'm assuming this is in my head, i never feel quite as fast running 85psi?!
When on the rollers I'm running 85psi with this set up, but on my hplus son rims with the same tyres I'm running 95-100 psi and there is a noticeable difference in speed. Maybe 2mph..
No way there is a difference of 2 Mph in speed between pressure 85 and 100....
The difference in rolling resistance is in the range of < 10 Watt , too little even to notice by human beings.
Must be another reason.
Ontopic: the Pacentti's with 23 mm can be run with pressure as low as you want without getting pinch flats and that depends on your weight, riding habits and roads.
These parameters relate in a subtile manner and you'll have to find your own "sweet spot".
I ride 25 mm tyres at 18C rims at 85/75 PSI and notice no increase in rolling resistance (used to 110/100 on 15 C rims and 23 mm tyres) and far better roadholding and comfort.0