Bianchi withdrawal symptoms

jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
edited November 2015 in Road buying advice
I got rid of my Bianchi last year to get a Cannondale.

I had it 6 years and despite being alloy and never having had a wheel upgrade, I loved that bike.

Don't get me wrong I really enjoy the 'Dale and its a lovely bike, but I am already mentally planning my next purchase and its Celeste...

Have I been got by marketing?


  • dov2711
    dov2711 Posts: 131
    Not sure its just marketing though I expect you will get comments about the heritage being diluted by the current ownership and non Italian frame build for most of the range.

    However like you I simply feel an affinity with the brand and don't feel the need to justify it to anyone other than myself. Been considering a future upgrade of my good bike frame and though I was offered an amazing deal on a Venge it just didn't excite me as much as the idea of an Oltre or Specialissima frame (neither of which I can afford)

    Bianchi have IMO really raised their game over the past 5-6 years with some great work on the countervail technology and mid range bikes. However there are obvious gaps in my thought process as I favour the brand anyway.

    Too many threads IMO have an undercurrent of people actually asking other forum users...."tell me what to like..." ie here are some bikes of similar specs what should I buy rather than here are a few options with varying features which I would like some feedback on to assist my own analysis.

    Don't fight it....if its Celeste it is superior!! (places fingers in ears)
  • dwanes
    dwanes Posts: 954
    I was a keen cyclist in my late teens, I can remember taking a test ride on a Bianchi alloy bike 25 years ago whilst in the USA and remember it being a fantastic ride, but never continued with cycling shortly after that test ride.
    Now I am keen again I would love to get that bike back and Buy it. :D

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that Bianchi are bringing out a new lightweight Aluminium frame out for 2016, does anyone have any info or links to this?
  • I would be keen to know more about that. Might check at my LBS as they are a Bianchi dealer.
  • Got a red Aluminum Impulso two years ago when I was getting back into road bikes after a few years away from the sport. It was bought at an end of season sale and was a bit large so after one season I had convinced myself that a Sempre Pro was going to be ideal. I now have it, and its outstanding. I was very impressed with the Impulso but this is in another league ( I bought the frame and built the bike with components I already had). The Celeste paint on a bright summers day looks absolutely fantastic.
  • I bought a 2010 Bianchi C2C Infinito off a mate which was and is my first proper road bike. I did toy with selling it on and trying something else, but I'm feeling a lot of love for it these days. I'm currently buying up some Ultegra parts to upgrade the 105 set that's on it so they can be put on a steel bike I'm also building up as a winter/cross bike. Can see this being a longer relationship than I first thought.

    Bit of a crap photo, but it's blue rather than celeste!
