I am not anti social but I don't want to join a club (Frome)

mntravers Posts: 5
edited October 2015 in Road beginners
I have rediscoved the joy of cycling after many years. Having now completed over 1000 miles on my Team Boardman and heading into the first winter cycling season I am looking for someone to cycle with. I don't want to join a club, being non competitive I enjoy cycling at my own pace (avg 13-14 mpg) and varying distances depending on weather and how i feel. If there is anyone in the Frome area who would like to join me on the occasionaly weekday/weekend ride do make contact mntravers@hotmail.com.


  • lesfirth
    lesfirth Posts: 1,382
    13-14 mpg. I guess you do pub crawls then.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    So why SHOUT ABOUT IT?
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Because I am looking for someone in the area to cycle with ?
  • PTestTeam
    PTestTeam Posts: 395
    Because I am looking for someone in the area to cycle with ?

    He meant that you had written your post title in caps – which in social media circles means you're shouting!
  • No pub crawls. I would fall off and I thought 13-14 was an ok average for someone not in a rush - is that pub crawl speed ? I am learning so much already :D
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,554
    not all clubs/club riders are in it for racing, there can be a range of club rides of varying pace/distance

    it still may be worth seeing what's local, even if you don't want to join you might get some contacts
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    No pub crawls. I would fall off and I thought 13-14 was an ok average for someone not in a rush - is that pub crawl speed ? I am learning so much already :D

    It depends on age/weight/ability/routes and how hard you're trying. No one can say 13-14mph is pub crawl speed or some kind of speed of heavy drinkers, or of people who are heavy and drink unless they know these things. Oh, hang on, they have.
  • Rigga
    Rigga Posts: 939
    Just join a club and ride with the slow group? Most clubs have a slow, medium and fast group.
  • DKay
    DKay Posts: 1,652
    You seem to have a preconceived idea about cycling clubs. A decent club should have a range of abilities, from the social, casual riders al the way up to serious racers. My club has around 50 members and out of those, only around a dozen actually race. The rest of them are purely social riders who may partake in the odd sportive here and there. By not joining a club, you're seriously limiting your ride opportunities. You'll also progress faster and most probably, learn a lot of new routes which you would never have been aware of previously.
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    No pub crawls. I would fall off and I thought 13-14 was an ok average for someone not in a rush - is that pub crawl speed ? I am learning so much already :D

    It depends on age/weight/ability/routes and how hard you're trying. No one can say 13-14mph is pub crawl speed or some kind of speed of heavy drinkers, or of people who are heavy and drink unless they know these things. Oh, hang on, they have.
    The earlier post with the pub crawl comment was I assume meant as a joke because the OP said 13-14 mpg rather than mph.
  • Thanks for the feedback
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Probably best to leave your email address off things like this and just invite folks to PM you if they are interested.

    Don't quite get the thread anyway...OP wants a riding buddy but wants to ride his own pace and therefore won't join a club...err, riding with someone else always involves some kind of compromise. Just find a club that does 14-16mph rides (my club does a variety from 14 up to 20+). The local CTC does a decent range too (probably 12ish up to 18mph averages) so plenty of choice.
  • lesfirth
    lesfirth Posts: 1,382
    No pub crawls. I would fall off and I thought 13-14 was an ok average for someone not in a rush - is that pub crawl speed ? I am learning so much already :D

    13-14 mpg. Miles per Gallon. :roll:
  • whoof
    whoof Posts: 756
    If you want someone to ride with in the Frome area who are non-competitive try these.
    Here's a list of up coming rides.
  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Search 'Chris, Frome'.

  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    As above, CTC group is a good bet.

    Otherwise, despite your antipathy, it's worth looking at established clubs to see if they have a 'social' group. Mine does, trundles along at a fairly gentle pace not far off what you're looking for. My strategy this year has been to get my big ride in on the Saturday (200 to 300km) and then join the 40 miles social group on the Sunday morning for the laughs, tea and cake!
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • You don't need to "join" a club.

    Find clubs on Strava. Then go ride with them without joining. Then if you find people your pace, see if they want to do other rides. Most likely you will end up on the club rides and staying with people your pace.