
simong81 Posts: 19
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
I know there have been many posts on lights. I have tried the cheap Cree lights from eBay which have been ok, but big and a pain with the battery pack sliding up and down the top tube.

I'm looking for a decent front light to use to see, not just be seen.

I want it so on dark lanes with no street lights that I can actually see. What would you recommend without spending hundreds of pounds??


  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    I've got a Lezyne Super Drive XL (the previous version that's more cylindrical) and I use it for seeing on dark, unlit roads. I usually have it full power when I'm on the front, then push the button twice to drop down to a lower brightness when following someone. You can get them for about £60-£70.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    How long did you want it to last at a brightness to see by? Makes a big difference if you want more than 2-3 hours in terms of cost, etc.
  • the_rover
    the_rover Posts: 402
    edited October 2015
    I regularly commute In the dark on unlit country roads and use a cateye volt 300. It's excellent with decent battery life and well priced. In fact don't let how cheap it is put you off. I'd get another one if my current one failed/went missing etc.
  • I'd ideally like the light to last 3 hours because I will cycle circa 2 hours on a regular basis so want it to last that.

    Not sure how many lumens I need. My eBay light says its 6000 but not sure how accurate these stats are.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    The guy above mentioning Cateye Volt, if so go for something like the Volt 1200 which is 1200 lumens, four times as bright. You are saying you want to ride unlit country lanes. If you want to do that at day time speeds, pushing on and being able to pick out crap surfaces etc then you want something approaching or exceeding 1000 lumens. (You can always put it in a lower mode on some sections of road where it's not needed so much if you want it to last 3 hours).

    I've just been out with 950 lumens on an exposure Toro and once descending I know I'm just starting to think I'm risking things a bit at above 30mph on lanes, and that is on lanes I know inside out where in the day I'd break 45mph on the same sections. I'll be getting the new 1800 lumen Toro any minute which I think should be ok for descending at daytime speeds.

    All of the above is based on a number of things though, knowing the lanes like I said, wanting to push on and throw the bike around like in the day. Some people are more conservative, and some more aggressive than I'd be too.