What to replace a Bianchi Impulso with?

Dizeee Posts: 337
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
My 2012 Impulso has covered around 13000 miles and although there is nothing wrong with it, I want to replace it. Main reason for this is that it is slightly too large for me at 55cm, and I have a bike fit in Januray with the Bike Whisperer, so I am thinking of getting fitted on a new bike that I will keep for around 5 years.

The Impulso is my all year round bike, commuting all week, summer riding on weekends, winter riding in snow and ice... (I have a carbon bike too but this is reserved for decent weekend rides).

The bike will cover around 4k miles a year. I think I want aluminum, I definatley want Italian as I have a theme that I don't want to deviate from, and my budget is up to £1500.

-What are people opinions of Wililer? I used to like them but am less convinced these days.
-Thinking of Fondriest too, like the bikes and good kit.
-Contemplating the next model Bianchi but this is a carbon bike. It feels wrong to have 2 carbon road bikes to use all year round, is it?


  • crescent
    crescent Posts: 1,201
    Sounds like you like the Impulso, why not go for the 53cm version of that? You can pick one up for less than £1000. Sell your old one and you could come in well under your £1500 budget.
    Bianchi ImpulsoBMC Teammachine SLR02 01Trek Domane AL3“When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. “ ~H.G. Wells Edit - "Unless it's a BMX"
  • dwanes
    dwanes Posts: 954
    I thought the idea is to get a bike fit, get some kind of geometry report, and then choose the bike based on the report?
    Otherwise why do you need to pay good money for someone to tell you where to put your saddle and handlebars?