Cycling in a group doesn't appeal at all

deejaysee Posts: 149
edited November 2015 in Road general
Maybe i'm a bit unsociable but when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go, sometimes listen to some music and not have to talk to anyone.
Get away from it all.
Cycling in a group just looks proper s@#t



  • when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go

    So do that then.
  • backo
    backo Posts: 167
    Im the same...I like the feeling of freedom that cycling gives you....riding in a group with pace and route dictated spoils it for me.

    still nice to have a casual pedal with friends for a catch up but much rather get out on my own at the crack of dawn
    As with most things..each to their own
  • deejaysee
    deejaysee Posts: 149
    when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go

    So do that then.

    I do
  • bold seagull
    bold seagull Posts: 145
    edited October 2015
    Love cycling in a group. Adds a new dynamic to road cycling for me. Getting in a group who work well together, pull hard on the front on their turn can be a really rewarding fast experience. Love getting into that draft after a tough turn on the front and maintaining the same speed with much less effort.

    Either or for me, great fun either way.
  • I do

  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    you like cycling on your own and not in a group, you do cycle on your own and not in a group. You are doing the right thing.

    those are my thoughts.

    If i was to be cynical my other thoughts might be that you are trying to aggravate those who like riding in a group and possibly those who think everyone who listens to music whilst cycling WILL die. - a site for sore eyes
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    It is proper s**t, please keep riding alone.
  • Maybe i'm a bit unsociable but when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go, sometimes listen to some music and not have to talk to anyone.
    Get away from it all.
    Cycling in a group just looks proper s@#t


    What are your opinions on cycling helmets?
    "You really think you can burn off sugar with exercise?" downhill paul
  • djhermer
    djhermer Posts: 328
    So when you're out riding alone, do you wave at other cyclists?
  • whoof
    whoof Posts: 756
    I don't think that there is anything that appeals to all I don't see why cycling with other people should be any different.
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    Do you stop at red lights? - a site for sore eyes
  • forehead
    forehead Posts: 180
    This thread is brutal! :lol:

    I kind of relate to the OP. I like going out with the club, great friends and certainly some fresh route ideas. Getting in the chaingang is rewarding and being pushed when out with the bigger boys is great for development.

    I also love going out on my own (though chose not to listen to music), I can just crack on with my thoughts and really do just riding on my tod.
    Cube - Peloton
    Cannondale - CAAD10
  • Flâneur
    Flâneur Posts: 3,081
    i hate people but I ride in a group, but then maybe that is so I can complain about other people.
    Stevo 666 wrote: Come on you Scousers! 20/12/2014
  • DavidJB
    DavidJB Posts: 2,019
    I hate forums. I don't like posting on them. Thoughts?
  • stu-bim
    stu-bim Posts: 384
    I like riding on my own. Tried riding with others but didn't like it.

    I think I enjoy riding to get away from everything and everyone, peace and quiet.

    If I could get out more often I might change my mind but for now, a few hours on Sunday without phone, email or distractions is nice
    Raleigh RX 2.0
    Diamondback Outlook
    Planet X Pro Carbon
  • I've done a few group rides - I was considering joining a club for a while. But I didn't in the end, for a few reasons.

    Firstly it was the fact that they went fast when I couldn't, and went slower than me when I wanted to go faster. My average speeds on group rides on virtually the same route were significantly lower than when I was on my own.

    Secondly, probably because I was in a newbies group, it felt dangerous. People were slowing suddenly, changing line suddenly; I felt constantly stressed. Maybe I should have gone out with the big boys, kept up for as long as I could and then made my way home once I got dropped.

    But thirdly and possibly most relevant, I've noticed that cyclists in groups tend to behave much less considerately towards other road users than people out in ones or twos. I've had more than a few macho, testosterone-driven groups swarm past me close at high speed, leaving no more than an inch or two's clearance. I've been cut up left and right at the same time on a roundabout, forced to brake as people cut in and slow down, and mostly they're completely oblivious.

    I realise that not all groups are like this, but in my three years as a mostly solitary roadie, I've seen more than enough of this sort of thing to put me off.

    On the other hand, I've also had quite a lot of very friendly ad-hoc rides with other solitary riders I've drawn level with, and we've had a pleasant chat for a few miles before parting to go our separate ways.

    Each to his own, I think. But it would be nice if the groups didn't act like arses quite so much. :)
    Is the gorilla tired yet?
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    Cycling in a group is about the caneraderie and being with other people. I love getting to know strangers through idle chat on charity rides or sportives and enjoy the shared experience but the cycling takes a back seat and you often have to ride at a pace which is not of your choosing with less focus and less freedom. Unless I am lucky and find a compatible rider(s) then I tend to switch between different people or groups at different times on these rides rather than stick to the same one(s) for the whole ride as it can be frustrating to ride at what is sometimes an unnatural pace for you.

    Cycling solo is all about the cycling and personal freedom - freedom to push yourself how much or how little you feel like, to get lost in your thoughts or blank you mind and not think at all, to meditate, contemplate and counsel yourself, to enjoy the countryside and its smells and sounds or to put headphones on and enjoy uninterrupted music without worrying about whether the family like it or not.

    They are both great, for very different reasons but Cycling solo gives the greatest reward for me - I can chat to others when not riding easily enough so could easily live without group riding.
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    edited October 2015
    Maybe i'm a bit unsociable but when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go, sometimes listen to some music and not have to talk to anyone.
    Get away from it all.
    Cycling in a group just looks proper s@#t


    If you just think it 'looks proper s@#t' then you have not tried it.

    Why are you asking for people thoughts? Are you planning on trying it if they say its great?

    I like riding alone sometimes, but also with others, both large and small groups, friends and strangers.
    EDIT: I don't actually think about the differences that much, I am more focused on having an opportunity to be on a bike.
    As I do all the variants, I just enjoy the benefits (or put up with the negatives) each one gives at the time.

    I much prefer to run alone though.
    Not at all keen on running with others (unless in a race). Weirdly though, I have never thought of going on a running forum and telling them I would find it s@#t, I just don't do it (I don't even go on running forums!)!

    My thoughts are that you are either a troll, or just a t@#t.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    @ OP

    Do you prefer sex on your own?

    Bodily fluids, smells, having to engage with another person....
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Apreading sums it up beautifully
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,042
    Going solo has it's appeal and no doubt enjoyable.
    However, a group event is much more of, well, an event.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Going solo has it's appeal and no doubt enjoyable.
    However, a group event is much more of, well, an event.

    I assume you are referring to cycling? :wink:
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 28,042
    Going solo has it's appeal and no doubt enjoyable.
    However, a group event is much more of, well, an event.

    I assume you are referring to cycling? :wink:
    You may interpret it how you please.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace,

    I predict a very slow speed accident somewhere, some day , soon
    My pen won't write on the screen
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Going solo has it's appeal and no doubt enjoyable.
    However, a group event is much more of, well, an event.

    I assume you are referring to cycling? :wink:
    You may interpret it how you please.

    :shock: :twisted: :wink:
  • ben@31
    ben@31 Posts: 2,327
    Maybe i'm a bit unsociable but when i ride i just want to get my head down, cycle at my own pace, go where i want to go, sometimes listen to some music and not have to talk to anyone.
    Get away from it all.
    Cycling in a group just looks proper s@#t



    I have memories of the last long straight at the end of a ride and working together with a mate, leapfrogging each other every 1 minute, kind of like interval training working hard on the front and recovering at the back. We absolute flew down that road that day.
    "The Prince of Wales is now the King of France" - Calton Kirby
  • If someone catches you at the lights do you wait for them to ride off and away first?
    If someone catches you on the open road do you pull over and stare at them as they go past or just blank them while listening to your sweet tunes?
    Enjoy your exclusive solo rides and don't expect any help when you get flat.
  • deejaysee
    deejaysee Posts: 149
    @ OP

    Do you prefer sex on your own?

    Bodily fluids, smells, having to engage with another person....

    Fancy meeting up for a ride?
    You sound like right laugh