Fulcrum Racing Zero Nite

piersj01 Posts: 32
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice

Has anyone had any issues with these wheels regarding the brake track rubbing off? I have heard the brake track can rub off in the first 150 miles?

Also, a mate of mine bought the Shamal Mille and had several front wheel innertube blow outs on an event due, he thinks to overheating of the new rim surface - he is 100kgs but I was surprised to hear this.

Has anyone had any type of failure on these wheels?



  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    I'm up to about 800miles on mine and there is no signs of wear and had zero problems so far.

    So long as you remove any foreign debris in the pads after each ride then the surface holds up fine.

    So far these are the best wheels i have ever ridden!