Shimano Cassettes

landers Posts: 9
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
Came across this whilst pondering whether the nearly double cost increase is worth it when comparing a 105 5800 and Ultegra 6800 11-28T cassette.

Pretty ineresting differences if you ask me:


  • I enjoyed that article.

    "I like riding in my car, it's not quite a Jaguar."
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Interesting article. Only reason I get ultegra is I don't think 105 do 11-25 in 11sp versions
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    Interesting article. Only reason I get ultegra is I don't think 105 do 11-25 in 11sp versions

    me too on this. i like the SRAM 11-26 format as well as its better all round, you get a 16 tooth cog, that is really really useful, as 15 and 17 creates a gap that for me doesn't work when cruising along. the 26 gives you a nice spinny gear at the bottom of the cassette. i swear its that one tooth, that helped me to significant PB's up a variety of hills this year... they aren't as cheap and don't last as long though...
  • In my 10 speed setup my preffered cassette is 12-30, which is available in either Ultegra or Tiagra - pretty far away in terms of the quality scale?

    The Tiagra is usually around £12, the Ultegra is around £32.

    I've swapped between both fairly regularly depending on how much money I'm wanting to spend at the time.

    So can I tell the difference between the two? I absolutely cannot. The shifting is identical, the rolling of the bike is identical, I can't ascertain any weight difference.

    When they are dirty - i.e. all the time unless it's right after cleaning, they look identical, if they are clean then the Tiagra is more shiny which IMO looks nicer than the Ultegra.

    So most of the time I buy Tiagra, but that's not to say I never get Ultegra, occasionally when I feel like having something nicer, even though I know fine well it makes no difference ;)
  • banditvic
    banditvic Posts: 549
    With most higher end parts your just paying for weight saving and are probably spending aprox £1 to save a gram. So it may be worth buying Ultegra over 105, its the price difference between the top two groupset parts that is the killer.
    That's why spending £10 on 50 gram inner tubes seem a bargain, funny old game cycling.
    Weather its worth it depends your own point of view.
  • Ten speed, I could feel the difference between 105 and Ultegra. Just felt more positive. 11 speed, diminishing returns have definitely kicked in. There's a difference, but it's into the realms of cork-sniffing. The only thing I've found that really distinguishes between them is behaviour during a rough/silly change. Ultegra just shifts when 105 will graunch and hoke a bit. In short, a smooth rider wouldn't notice.