New Bib Shorts £50-60ish

mikeyj28 Posts: 754
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
H all,

A simple one here. What bib shorts do you all find good? Looking to spend £50-60 and take advantage of the sales that are currently ongoing.
I am fed up of my current couple - terrible Altura bib shorts that cost me £80 with no real padding for me and after a couple of hours I really do feel the lack of cushioning. Also have some Craft ones which are ok but want more of a cushioned pad that doesn't feel as thin as paper after 10 rides max. No real padding for me and after a couple of hours I really do feel the lack of cushioning.

Any suggestions are welcome.
Constantly trying to upgrade my parts.It is a long road ahead as things are so expensive for little gain. n+1 is always the principle in my mind.
