Brand new bike, pedals are back to front!

jacobmd1 Posts: 9
edited October 2015 in Workshop
Just had my 2016 allez delivered from wheelies and set up, when i get to putting on the clip in pedals i find that i have been supplied them back to front ( however the left 'sticker' one screws onto left and vice versa) the front of where the 'hump' is to clip into my shoes is at the rear of the bike!

If i try to put the left sticker one on the right (how it should look) they simply will not screw on...

Am i being stupid or has the mechanic who checked over the bike/components screwed up? :evil:

Also, the mechanic has installed spacers in the handlebar to make it higher, however there is a little play in the stem (up/down movement) , everything seems tight however, is this normal?
