Elite Arion Mag Parabollic Rollers

andy37 Posts: 120
edited October 2015 in Road buying advice
Hi, i am going to make a concerted effort to train indoors this winter as i always pick chest infections up pushing in the cold months plus who likes getting soaked to the skin. I have a power meter and am thinking of buying the above rollers and poss using in conjunction with Trainerroad as they have a resistance function and wondering if anyone has used them and can give me their feedback please.



  • They are great rollers. easy to set up and store out of the way.

    make sure you have a spot so you can watch tv/laptop while spinning away and an easy reach wall/cabinet in case you need to stop quickly
    Cube Cross 2016
    Willier GTR 2014
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    I have the ones without resistance & I wouldn't be without them.

    Even without resistance, you can have excellent training sessions.

    Highly recommended.
  • harry-s
    harry-s Posts: 295
    I've got the digital version of the Arions, with power/cadence/resistance controllable by Bluetooth from the headset, they're a great training tool.
  • I've got these and use them with TrainerRoad, there is a virtual power curve within the software for each resistance level.

    Mine are constantly set on the middle resistance and give me a good workout and are much better than a turbo, time passes much quicker it seems and I think this is just down to the concentration required to stay smooth. Also does wonders for pedal stroke.

    Wouldn't think twice about recommending them and I don't think I would spend much more on a set either. I have tried the E-Motions and I didn't get where the extra benefots were and how they can justify the extra cost.

    You won't be disappointed.