Just ordered 2016 Zipp 303 clinchers--23mm or 25mm tires?

288GTO Posts: 79
edited September 2015 in Road buying advice
Hey guys,

These are my first carbon and aero wheels. Up till now I've been running 25mm Conti GP II's on my Mavic Ksyrium Elite S. Being an aero wheel, is a more aerodynamic 23mm better fit?



  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    Firecrest 303s are actually quite wide and if your frame permits you may find 25mm more suitable.

  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    either. i run 25mm gp4000s II tyres, as they are more comfy. enjoy them but be aware the hubs are absolute junk.

    i've replaced both of mine (but mine were 2012 models).
  • 23mm front and 25mm rear is the most aero according to Zipp. The new hubs (v9 onwards) are fine, older models weren't great and have a reputation for self destructing. Be interested to hear your feedback on the new redesigned hub.
  • Either. I run 23mm on mine but I'm moving up to 24mm when the current pair run out. Be aware, the hubs are not absolute junk.

    I've been running mine for three years now and have never needed to replace them. I haven't even had to re grease the bearings even after many thousands of miles ;-)
  • Some great info guys! I should get these wheels tomorrow and will put some serious miles on them the this weekend. I think I will go with the 25mm in the back with the 23mm in the front combo as suggested Undapressure here. Thanks!
  • go 25...23 aero properties will be a nuts chuff over 3000 miles at an average of 47.2mph
  • Ignore the comments about the potentially rubbish hubs - the 2016 wheels come with new hubs after a redesign.
