Vtech was right

Anonymous Posts: 79,667
edited October 2015 in The bottom bracket
Dubai is awesome.

Just back from a long weekend visiting some expat friends out there and had the most amazing time. Am googling recruiters in my industry in another tab to move out. Honestly.

Only downside is that they didn't quite refrigerate the pool to my preferred temperature in the apartment we were staying at, but I'll make sure I don't live there :lol:


  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Dubai is awesome.

    Just back from a long weekend visiting some expat friends out there and had the most amazing time. Am googling recruiters in my industry in another tab to move out. Honestly.

    Only downside is that they didn't quite refrigerate the pool to my preferred temperature in the apartment we were staying at, but I'll make sure I don't live there :lol:

    Its quite odd, here is the only place where I don't hear that on a daily basis :mrgreen:

    I am a lover of Dubai as you know, I really do think that once you have travelled to the middle east you will find it hard to go anywhere else. Weather, people, services, value etc are all superb.
    Its an unknown fact to many that a week in Dubai is actually cheaper than a week in Majorca-et-similar.
    I should of been there this week but legal things have kept me away so ill be back in a few weeks.
    Glad you enjoyed it, when you going back ? :wink:
    Living MY dream.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Not sure. Possibly November. The service was the only thing which was lacking, if I am totally honest, but it very much depended on what nationality was serving you. Some places were incredible, others were abysmal (not impolite, just useless - possibly the language barrier, or just not caring). I really want to go to Oman surfing for a week, so not sure I'll go straight to Dubai. I wouldn't say it was THAT cheap, especially wine if you are eating out, and I probably wouldn't go for a romantic break with the other half, but with kids aged 8-16 or something, they would have an absolutely amazing time.

    What's amazing is just how welcome and friendly my friend's expat friends are. Really welcoming bunch, and they all absolutely love it - which must count for something!

    Cycling in the desert at 9am with a roaring hangover and headwind isn't to be recommended, though!
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    My sister lives in Dubai and loves it out there, i think i'm going to go over there in November
    www.conjunctivitis.com - a site for sore eyes
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    Not sure. Possibly November. The service was the only thing which was lacking, if I am totally honest, but it very much depended on what nationality was serving you. Some places were incredible, others were abysmal (not impolite, just useless - possibly the language barrier, or just not caring). I really want to go to Oman surfing for a week, so not sure I'll go straight to Dubai. I wouldn't say it was THAT cheap, especially wine if you are eating out, and I probably wouldn't go for a romantic break with the other half, but with kids aged 8-16 or something, they would have an absolutely amazing time.

    What's amazing is just how welcome and friendly my friend's expat friends are. Really welcoming bunch, and they all absolutely love it - which must count for something!

    Cycling in the desert at 9am with a roaring hangover and headwind isn't to be recommended, though!

    If your going in November let me know, we are at the Abu Dhabi F1 on the last weekend and if your there you can watch the race from our Yacht (not mine, a friends). Im really looking forward to it now.
    I don't drink so that didn't effect me and it is a learning curve, you can spend a fortune on a meal or get one for peanuts, same quality just different prices.
    Wine and alcohol is expensive, better to get some at the airport when you land as they are dirt cheap and drink in your room.
    Living MY dream.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    VTech - thank you for the kind offer. I think will be heading one of the middle weeks as that's the only time my girlfriend has off. It is still very much undecided though as we may go to Morocco as we want to do something a bit more cultural. Dubai is excellent if you want to run around and do touristy things - and believe me there is more than enough to keep you busy, but I didn't see any cultural escapades.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    VTech - thank you for the kind offer. I think will be heading one of the middle weeks as that's the only time my girlfriend has off. It is still very much undecided though as we may go to Morocco as we want to do something a bit more cultural. Dubai is excellent if you want to run around and do touristy things - and believe me there is more than enough to keep you busy, but I didn't see any cultural escapades.

    I know what you mean, I guess thats down to the fact that 99% of everything there is almost new.
    If you love cars (as I do) its a great place, we went down a few race events and watching arabs slide outside of a car on sandals is a thing of beauty :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


    I know some here will disagree in disgust but each to his own, I was in hysterics and loved every second.
    Living MY dream.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,128
    alcohol in uae is pricey vs. most of the world, if you're on short visit, stock up in the duty free at dxb arrivals, allowances are generous, saves the hassle of carry the bottles with you for the flight

    for a romantic trip, consider places like rak, about an hour from dxb if you avoid the morning traffic jam, are far less developed, depends on your budget but the villas at the hilton resort there are nice and you have separate dining from the main complex, or if you want more bling there's the waldorf

    under no circumstances allow other half time at the dxb gold store, i was ambushed last time we were there, it's the only time in my life i can recall feeling faint at the sight of a bill, in fact i think i'm having a flashback right now
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    What's it like for cycling though ? I'd miss my green lanes and Welsh mountains. And don't they drive everywhere ?
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    What's it like for cycling though ? I'd miss my green lanes and Welsh mountains. And don't they drive everywhere ?

    Depends on the time of year, I rode round the palm for a few days and loved it but it was too hot. In summer you would struggle.
    There are great bike facilities and Sheik Mohamed himself paid for a huge cycling setup.
    Living MY dream.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I can't explain what it's like. Imagine a beautifully smooth black strip of tarmac running through an expanse of totally barren desert. All there is to see are the odd oryx (like a deer with horns) and a solar farm. You have to be out around 4/5am or its too hot in summer. Its 30 deg in winter out there, so may be ok at that time. It's not too hilly so great for TTs etc, but can also get VERY busy at key times of day when its cooler.

    This is a pic taken from a cursory google. I confirm it looks like this, with the odd rogue palm tree and little concrete gazebo. There are also some streetsweepers taking sand off the track.
  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    come on, its only like that on highways, you can ride along the seafront with great pleasure. I agree you won't get big hills but you can cover ground.

    Living MY dream.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Ah - I have no idea what its like on the roads, but having seen the driving I would not want to share tarmac with the drivers!

    That photo is taken in Al Quadra - the dedicated cycle path in the desert, and that is exactly like my photo of the same place, although apparently it is now linked up with some more central paths so you can ride in/out from central Dubai.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,128
    the growing number of dedicated cycle paths there is great, especially the 50km loop at al qudra, can you imagine what it'd take to get that built in the uk!

    tbh i wouldn't ride it this time of year, it's a tad warm once the sun is up, though people do take lights and ride it before dawn, but in 'winter' the climate is ideal
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • the emirates often have the very worst sort of expats and Uk holidaymakers

    no offense intended to anyone here or their families or vtech. just my experience/opinion, from having mixed, partaked and been one of said people whilst on vacation in the past.

    sure its fun but looking back some of the biggest shysters wideboys etc out there.

    also as a lover of vegas i appreciate my opinion may be somewhat hypocritical, but the fact the locals (not those serving you or waiting on you, the actual locals) completely disapprove and resent what you are doing there and how you are behaving/living, despite them benefiting from it and enabling it by creating what the emirates now are, (but only enabling it as a means to an end when their oil/gas runs out)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Depends who your mates are and if your parents were slobs who dragged you up. I am not a wideboy by any stretch of the imagination. Like in all walks of life, be polite and courteous and respect your hosts? Surely that is applicable in all walks of life regardless of situation or location?
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    Like in all walks of life, be polite and courteous and respect your hosts? Surely that is applicable in all walks of life regardless of situation or location?
    I wish more people thought like that.
  • arran77
    arran77 Posts: 9,260
    Like in all walks of life, be polite and courteous and respect your hosts? Surely that is applicable in all walks of life regardless of situation or location?
    I wish more people thought like that.

    Some people are just rude twunts and have no feckin manners :lol:
    "Arran, you are like the Tony Benn of smut. You have never diluted your depravity and always stand by your beliefs. You have my respect sir and your wife my pity" :lol:

  • VTech
    VTech Posts: 4,736
    On a trip to Sharjah I got lost (easy) and a local who I asked directions first wanted to share a cup of tea with me and my son prior to giving directions, it was a good experience.
    Living MY dream.
  • On a trip to Sharjah I got lost (easy) and a local who I asked directions first wanted to share a cup of tea with me and my son prior to giving directions, it was a good experience.

    but vtech as a middle aged family man i cannot imagine you wandering around off your face or shagging some bint where you shouldnt have been.

    its like the cast of one of those crappy remake films of the rettendon murders has been shipped out there, and everyone from the scummy parts of essex ...at least the places i frequented. fun at the time but in retrospect not quite right.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,082
    Like in all walks of life, be polite and courteous and respect your hosts? Surely that is applicable in all walks of life regardless of situation or location?
    I wish more people thought like that.

    Wise words moderator

    (Never thought I would say that)
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    I really want to go to Oman surfing for a week, so not sure I'll go straight to Dubai.!

    Oman is awesome - much nicer. They actually manage to be friendly and welcoming to westerners while still retaining their own culture. Best compromise anywhere in the Middle East in my opinion.
  • Just starting our fifth year here in Dubai. The cycling scene is growing all the time and the cycle tracks are a great facility but just very boring. Made even worse after a 3 week holiday in the Dordogne this summer and taking in some stunning scenery on the bike!
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,088
    Doesn't the sand get in your BB domination plans??
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!