Bryton Rider 20 - USB Cable

dinyull Posts: 2,979
edited September 2015 in Road buying advice
Can anyone point me in the direction of a replacement USB cable for Bryton Rider 20?

Had a quick google search and can't seem to find anything still available.

Does anyone have experience with Bryton / the Rider 20?

Not really sure I need a replacement USB cable, but willing to replace it before binning the whole unit. Problem I have is it won't charge/connect. The cable doesn't connect to the unit as "positively" as it used to, ie. it feels a bit loose and even if I hold it all together it's not working.

When I've looked at the back of the unit, the mount looks to have worn away where the pins in the connection touch.

Anyone else had the same problem?


  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015 - for £9.99. If that doesn't work for any reason contact Paligap who are the importers.

    Worth checking that the contacts are clean. The brass contacts on the cable scratch the contacts on the unit which then get dirty and make connectivity erratic.
    Faster than a tent.......
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979 - for £9.99. If that doesn't work for any reason contact Paligap who are the importers.

    Worth checking that the contacts are clean. The brass contacts on the cable scratch the contacts on the unit which then get dirty and make connectivity erratic.

    Cheers for that.

    I did give the contact points a clean with a cotton bud, but didn't make any difference.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    I had real problems with the Bryton 20 connecting properly after a while, kept plugging it in, cleaning contacts, resetting the device, etc., etc., new cable, different laptop, reinstalled software...gave up and got another unit through warranty which fixed the problem immediately. Except that after a short time that also had the same problem with the same extra 'features' as the previous unit (in that it would occasionally reset and every time it rained the unit would fog up unless I had the foresight to stick it in a plastic bag)...gave up and bought a Garmin. That fixed all issues permanently :)
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    I think the cable won't fix the problem because of the wear on the back of the unit.

    I've seen the Garmin 500 is available in a couple of weeks from Aldi for £80. Have also seen the Rider 20 for £30 from Germany.