Freehub Pawls Sticking

dirtymonkey1985 Posts: 529
edited September 2015 in Workshop
I'm having trouble with the pawls on my swiss side wheels sticking after using them in the rain/damp then leaving them for a week or so. Basically i need to know if i can strip the hubs down and chuck the freehub in some degreaser, clean it off and re-lube or should i call it quits on them and get some more robust wheels for winter.

One thing to note is i serviced them a while back and but some lube in there which may be the completely wrong stuff, i think it was Juice lubes wet chain juce.


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    [quoteOne thing to note is i serviced them a while back and but some lube in there which may be the completely wrong stuff, i think it was Juice lubes wet chain juce.[/quote]

    You may just have answered your own question. Many freehub mechanisms are designed with light weight lubricants in mind. IME wet lubes for chains can become very sticky after a while. I definitely wouldn't put one in a freehub.

    I'd strip it and remove all traces of the goo you've applied, then reassemble with a drop of something like 3-in-1 oil. Keep any degreaser away from the bearings though...
  • I thought as much. Would it be ok to chuck a little bit of degreaser in there just to get the lube out of it or is just a toothbrush and some elbow grease required?
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Echoing earlier comments, I'd avoid dunking the bearings in degreaser - simply wipe the freehub clean using a rag soaked in degreaser to remove any dirt / old lube, dry-off with a clean rag and then apply a spot of oil/light grease to each pawl. If there's a O-ring or seal on the outside of the freehub where it meets the hub, make sure you give that a wipe of grease too.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I'm not familiar with your freehub and where it's bearings are or what kind they are. If you can degrease the gunky bits without getting any in the bearings then go ahead.

    Shimano freehubs are simple in that by the time you've taken one off the hub you've already taken out the axle and the wheel bearings. Then depending on the state of the lube inside the freehub you can either flush the whole thing with degreaser before drying and relubing, or just drizzle a bit more oil in if everything looks shiny. The freehub pawls and bearings all swim in the same lube.
  • Cheers for the help guys i'll give it a crack tonight
  • Mavic recommend a light mineral oil - you can google their own stuff total cycling do it for about £7 - I don't think I'd use 3 in 1 doesn't that get quite sticky itself but apart from that agree with the advice above.
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