Rotor Q Ring

sirmol Posts: 287
edited August 2015 in Road buying advice
Hey all just wondering how many people use these? I've been reading about them and they seem to be very effective. How have people found them? Have you just placed them on your old crank set or bought their own crank arms as well? Any comments about them welcome - advice, information, opinions etc :)


  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    I have them on both bikes. 1 set on SRAM Red cranks and the other on Rotor 3D with a Power2max spider. The blurb recommends several hours to get used to them but I managed to get on with them straight away. Are they effective? There are arguments either way, but if it is a placebo effect, it works for me. The aero rings give a nice clean look too. Setting up and fitting is simple enough, but you will have to raise your front derailleur as part of the process.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    I swapped over last week to give them a try, so I would caveat my feedback with I'm only two rides and 70 miles in on them. So far so good, pedaling feels smoother and my cadence is a tad higher. No odd adoption pains or tweaks yet, it felt pretty natural from the off. A cautious recommendation from me. I just got rings and fitted them onto my existing rotor crankset, as said the FD needs to go up a bit.

    Only thing I would say is the rings are a touch more clattery than the round rings I had on before (Praxis). No issues with shifting but I'm running DI2.

    Rotor do a 30 day trial period where you can return the rings if you don't get on with them. I think it's definitely worth a go.
  • sirmol
    sirmol Posts: 287
    cheers guys
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    I used them for 6 months or so before changing back to round (Praxis) rings... not convinced that (for me) there was any real power benefit but it did screw up the front shifting, the chain dropped off the small ring on a few occasions, never felt particularly crisp... benefits didn't outweigh the disadvantages so swapped them out.