Commuting / winter bike

Nerrep Posts: 112
edited August 2015 in Road buying advice
Having spent perhaps a little too much money upgrading my current road bike, I'm looking for something new to use for training through the winter, and also for commuting.

- <£800
- Can take proper mudgaurds (e.g. not crud road racers, excellent as they are)
- Can take a rear rack
- Can take at least 25cc tyres
- Comes in size suitable for someone 194cm tall. E.g. 62/64cm
- Isn't going to collapse under my weight (88kg) plus luggage required for work
- Light/fast enough for me to ride 150km per week on recreationally without wanting to self harm

Would likes:
- Tiagra at least
- Disc brakes

Ribble Winter Training bike looks the best thing I've found so far (though no discs), but it's pretty ugly. Any suggestions for anything to beat it?
