Challenge Tubulars

earth Posts: 934
edited July 2015 in Road buying advice
Although I'm very happy with my Veloflex Carbons I am tempted to try Challenge when the time comes. I'm a sucker for finest rubber so of their products, the silk casing of the Criterium Seta Ultra takes my fancy. The rest of the range look to be of similar construction to Veloflex offerings and I don't think I would risk them. So the question is how do they stand up to use, puncture protection and how do they ride in terms of speed, grip and feel?


  • undapressure
    undapressure Posts: 116
    Although I'm very happy with my Veloflex Carbons I am tempted to try Challenge when the time comes. I'm a sucker for finest rubber so of their products, the silk casing of the Criterium Seta Ultra takes my fancy. The rest of the range look to be of similar construction to Veloflex offerings and I don't think I would risk them. So the question is how do they stand up to use, puncture protection and how do they ride in terms of speed, grip and feel?

    I've not used the tubs but I've been on the Criterium 320tpi with Challenge latex tubes for almost 12 months now. Probably approaching 3000m of use and still have tread left with no slices and no punctures so far (touches wood). I had Veloflex before and found them more delicate, puncture prone and they were worn out within 500 miles. Speed and comfort is very similar between then two and both treads seem to work well.