Dropper Seat for Canyon Nerve

Posts: 153
Looking for some dropper seat advice that will fit a Canyon Nerve, I'm thinking a Reverb but which size should I go for (I'm fairly short). Any advice welcomed

Looking for some dropper seat advice that will fit a Canyon Nerve, I'm thinking a Reverb but which size should I go for (I'm fairly short). Any advice welcomed
Measure the gap from the top of your seat clamp to the rails of your saddle. Subtract 70mm from that, and go for the longest drop you can that fits in the remaining space. EG. If you have 200mm from clamp to rail , that leaves 130mm, meaning a 125mm dropper.
The consider total length. Ensure that you have enough room in the frame for the post you will buy, and enough post in the frame. For example, if your current post is 200mm showing, thats a 125mm dropper with 75mm exposed. Droppers need 100mm min in the frame so a 380mm post will be fine (200mm showing leaves 180mm in the frame).
If your have more than 220mm showing you _could_ run a 150mm post, but they tend to cost more, so you may go 125mm to save money, which is fine _but_ 125mm reverbs come in 2 total lengths (380mm & 420mm), so be aware that more than 280mm showing means a 380 is not possible.A Flock of Birds
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