Tyre advice please for 100 mile road event



  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Schwalbe Durano
    Conti Gatorskins

    And as with other comments, 120 psi is nuts, your poor lady will feel like she's ridden a pneumatic drill! :shock:

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • simon_masterson
    simon_masterson Posts: 2,740
    Think of the punctures as penance for paying 58 quid to ride your bike. ;)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Think of the punctures as penance for paying 58 quid to ride your bike. ;)

    Not that she is paying £58 to just ride her bike, but can we have a full list of all the things you feel people should not spend their money on please.

    If she is raising money for kids with cancer do you think God or whoever will let her off the punctures?

    What are you doing that day/weekend SM?
  • ForumNewbie
    ForumNewbie Posts: 1,664
    When you have decided what tyres you're going to use, fit a brand new pair with new tubes and new rim tapes about a week before the event...
    Have you any good reason for suggesting this expensive course of action?

    I change tyres when they've become too worn. That tends to be after anything from 3000km to 10000km depending on the type of tyre and whether it's on the front or back. I've generally done at least 5 events between 100km and 200km each year plus a few duathlons/adventure races/triathlons. I've never changed to new tyres specifically for an event. What am I missing?
    I've never, ever changed rim tape.....the original stuff is still fine on all 3 of my wheelsets, so why would I change it?

    Unnecessary equipment changes or superfluous maintenance is more likely to cause a problem than prevent one.

    A new tyre is more resistant to flint ingress than a worn tyre of the same type.

    I suffered a puncture a couple of hours before I posted caused by a worn OE rim-tape on my 2 year old bike. Before yesterday evening, I'd never have thought of changing a rim-tape either, but I'll be fitting a new tape before I ride the bike again.

    You're right about introducing unreliability (no need to shout BTW), which is why I suggested doing this work a week before the event so as to flush out any issues that might have inadvertently been introduced.

    You can obviously change a tyre - the OP's wife probably can't. Quite rightly, Dean's trying to give her as much tyre reliability as he can; and I saw no hint of cost constraint in his post.

    It also sounds like this event may be Dean's wife's first 100 mile sportive. She'll be nervous about many, many things. Popping on new rubber at both ends isn't a huge expense in the scheme of things and gives her less to stress about.

    That's why.
    But if it rained on the day of the 100 mile event, it could be dangerous on wet roads with brand new tyres that have not yet been ridden, especially if they are inflated to a high pressure.
  • deansa
    deansa Posts: 8
    Hi all, just reporting back. In the end I put on 28mm 4 Seasons (will look at 32mm next time, thought best to keep things as constant as possible in the couple of weeks before the race.)

    No punctures and she got a good time!

    I've also replaced the armadillos on my bike with 4 Seasons, and wow! I'm consistently cruising a gear or two higher than before, and immediately shaved 5 minutes off my 35 minute ride to work. Thanks to all for the really great advice!

  • Hi all, just reporting back. In the end I put on 28mm 4 Seasons (will look at 32mm next time, thought best to keep things as constant as possible in the couple of weeks before the race.)

    No punctures and she got a good time!

    I've also replaced the armadillos on my bike with 4 Seasons, and wow! I'm consistently cruising a gear or two higher than before, and immediately shaved 5 minutes off my 35 minute ride to work. Thanks to all for the really great advice!

    Glad to hear the ride went well. The improvement you quote is 12.5% which is impossible for a new set of tyres. Welcome to the world of placebo benefits.