New best bike - responsive feel

bsharp77 Posts: 533
edited July 2015 in Road buying advice
Hi everyone,

I have an Izalco Pro Team SL - its a great bike...but not giving me that "feeling".
How do I explain it....responsive I guess would be the best word - a feeling like the bike is itching to go forward, encouraging you to push harder and makes you excited about getting out and riding.

Im under no illusions - I'm no great rider, I don't race and a new bike won't make me any faster...but I want something that is fun and 'feels' fast.

I was originally thinking of the new Rose X-Lite team, as it is so light, it must be responsive!!
I also have seen the Cervelo R5 2015 (red top tube) - can't find many reviews of this, but seems to be regarded as a pleasure to ride (this would also fulfil the wow factor as a best bike!)
My last thought was to wait for the new canyon ultimate cf just announced with aero features....the ultimate cf always seems to get good reviews.

Great fun looking at all the options out there! :P

Its going to be the best bike, so if anyone has any suggestions for a bike or frames up to around £3000 max, id love to hear of your experiences.
(I'm not asking about wheels or tyres...thats a completely separate discussion - and although they affect the feel and responsiveness, I want recommendations on the best frame to get that feeling)


  • supermurph09
    supermurph09 Posts: 2,471
    Not too familiar with your bike but maybe the position isnt aggressive enough for you?
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    Hi supermurph,

    Thanks for the reply - funny you should mention that - I'm booked in for a bike fit at Cadence Performance in a couple of weeks. It will be good to see whats going on as I'm always wondering about fore/aft saddle position!
    It will also be good to get measurements so I can check the geometry of any prospective bikes.

    Regardless of the bike fit, id still like a change - something to really cherish (hence mentioning the Cervelo R5).
    It will be a bike I intend to keep and use for the next 3-4 years, so I want it to be as much fun and rewarding to ride as possible.
  • supermurph09
    supermurph09 Posts: 2,471
    Hi supermurph,

    Thanks for the reply - funny you should mention that - I'm booked in for a bike fit at Cadence Performance in a couple of weeks. It will be good to see whats going on as I'm always wondering about fore/aft saddle position!
    It will also be good to get measurements so I can check the geometry of any prospective bikes.

    Regardless of the bike fit, id still like a change - something to really cherish (hence mentioning the Cervelo R5).
    It will be a bike I intend to keep and use for the next 3-4 years, so I want it to be as much fun and rewarding to ride as possible.

    I'm sure Adrian will have many tempting options in the shop, maybe leave the credit card at home that day! :D
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    Its Cadence down in London, but I imagine there will be a few shiny steeds on show there too! :o
    (p.s: your blog is great supermurph - love the detail of your posts!)
  • supermurph09
    supermurph09 Posts: 2,471
    Its Cadence down in London, but I imagine there will be a few shiny steeds on show there too! :o
    (p.s: your blog is great supermurph - love the detail of your posts!)

    Appreciate the feedback, hope you find the bike/setup you want! 8)
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    Can't comment on the other bikes but I've a 2014 R5 (same as 2015 bar the paint job), pre that my nice bike was a 2012 Canyon Ultimate CF SLX. I love the Cervelo, it's certainly the best bike that I've ridden.

    But it depends on what you want the bike for, I like the Cervelo as it blends everything together so well in terms of stiffness, compliance, responsiveness and assured handling at speed. It was a distinct step up from the Canyon and was faster on most of my segments, running the same wheels. Having said that if you want something that just feels ultra fast and chuck-able maybe get something with more of a 'crit' bike geo.

    The focus you have is a nice bike though, so this could be an expensive marginal gain :wink:
  • It was a distinct step up from the Canyon and was faster on most of my segments, running the same wheels.

    May be you were just fitter, baring in mind the Canyon & Cervelo share very similar designs.

    Forks can make a massive difference in responsiveness.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    It was a distinct step up from the Canyon and was faster on most of my segments, running the same wheels.

    May be you were just fitter, baring in mind the Canyon & Cervelo share very similar designs.

    Forks can make a massive difference in responsiveness.

    Running a power meter on both (Vector) so sadly no fitness delta and comparable efforts. I looked at the data and couldn't really work out a logical reason but the Cervelo seemed to be faster on the flat, climbing was comparable. Of course there are loads of variables that aren't controllable (wind, weather, traffic, etc, etc) so there's not much science behind it. Might also have been 'new toy' placebo effect but the power levels are pretty comparable.
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    Thanks for all the replies guys.
    Interesting info on the R5 stueys - and good point on the similar designs sloppy - I guess thats why I have both of them on the hit list.

    This will be my last major bike purchase for a while (just married and it'll be kids on the cards within a year or two), which is why I'm tempted towards the Cervelo - nice to have a prized possession....although the new aero Ultimate SLX looks like being fab (if they get the colour schemes right!).
  • norvernrob
    norvernrob Posts: 1,448
    Scott Foil is worth a look, I doubt there is much out there that is as stiff and responsive. I have a Foil HMX, and took out my Cube Peloton out the other day instead as the weather was poor. It was like riding a fart in comparison, absolutely dead feeling. Getting back on the Foil reminded me how good it is - it's not exactly heavy either, when I had Zipp 202 tubs on mine weighed 6.3kg with pedals and cages, I've got Fulcrum Zeros on it now and it weighs 6.6kg inc pedals and cages.

    The new Foil should be even better.
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    It depends what you mean by responsive feel too. You can find bikes that undeniably have great power transfer but the way they ride whilst efficient is pretty dull compared to others. A Scott CR1 Pro is an example, it's efficient but its not involving or inspiring feeling. The original Cervelo S3 when it came out had the same kind of thing, undeniably fast and efficient for the power you put in to ride, but just a bit dull really, sort of a let down.
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    It depends what you mean by responsive feel too. You can find bikes that undeniably have great power transfer but the way they ride whilst efficient is pretty dull compared to others. A Scott CR1 Pro is an example, it's efficient but its not involving or inspiring feeling. The original Cervelo S3 when it came out had the same kind of thing, undeniably fast and efficient for the power you put in to ride, but just a bit dull really, sort of a let down.

    Yes mfin - this is exactly what I'm talking about!
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!
  • mfin
    mfin Posts: 6,729
    It depends what you mean by responsive feel too. You can find bikes that undeniably have great power transfer but the way they ride whilst efficient is pretty dull compared to others. A Scott CR1 Pro is an example, it's efficient but its not involving or inspiring feeling. The original Cervelo S3 when it came out had the same kind of thing, undeniably fast and efficient for the power you put in to ride, but just a bit dull really, sort of a let down.

    Yes mfin - this is exactly what I'm talking about!
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    I could tell instantly what you meant, the problem is suggesting something because you know what it's like, people lavish all the right adjectives at any bike they own. I don't have a good suggestion myself in that price bracket I'm afraid, you need someone very perceptive to be able to tell it truly like it is about a bike they own that's in the right price bracket. So difficult when most people just rave about what they own.

    You might get some good opinions (probably more likely someone will come along and defend the bikes I mentioned cos they've got one :) ), and of course remember that a good set of wheels keeps things lively but it can't completely change the underlying personality of the bike.

    Go test riding if you can, for a length where you can really chuck it about.

    There are a lot of people on here who have owned a lot of carbon bikes so will comment well of course, just hope they aren't a rich 55 year old who pootles along with an upturned stem and 30mm of spacers :) A lot of people won't have the frame of reference of having owned a lot of carbon bikes, just have got their first one after starting on something like a Specialized Allez cos they haven't been riding long, and any £3000 carbon bike will feel like magic compared to that even if it is in fact nothing special to ride compared to others, but they'll still go on about it.
  • bsharp77
    bsharp77 Posts: 533
    Thanks mfin, you have nailed the exact thing I want out of a new bike....but as you mention, it may be hard to find something thats significantly better than what I have in the price bracket.

    Just out of interest - what bike(s) do you have in mind that gives that feeling we're talking about (even if they are outside my budget!)?
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Can't speak from personal experience but the new Cannondale Supersix has had some good reviews. I imagine you'd get one with a decent level of kit for your budget...
  • keezx
    keezx Posts: 1,322
    Yes mfin - this is exactly what I'm talking about!
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike![/quote]

    Buy a light front wheel.
  • keezx
    keezx Posts: 1,322
    Yes mfin - this is exactly what I'm talking about!
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    Buy a light front wheel.
  • Dodger747
    Dodger747 Posts: 305
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    Don't buy a Canyon then.

    My SLX feels super plush even at 25mph+.

    I liken it to driving a Fiesta and Ferrari at 80mph. Both equally capable of doing it, just one feels massively in its comfort zone, the other is at its limit. So a 'cheaper' bike might feel quicker than a top of the range one...
    VO2 Max - 79 ml/kg/min
    W/kg - 4.9
  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    Don't buy a Canyon then.

    My SLX feels super plush even at 25mph+.

    I liken it to driving a Fiesta and Ferrari at 80mph. Both equally capable of doing it, just one feels massively in its comfort zone, the other is at its limit. So a 'cheaper' bike might feel quicker than a top of the range one...

  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    Don't buy a Canyon then.

    My SLX feels super plush even at 25mph+.

    I liken it to driving a Fiesta and Ferrari at 80mph. Both equally capable of doing it, just one feels massively in its comfort zone, the other is at its limit. So a 'cheaper' bike might feel quicker than a top of the range one...

    Makes me think of James Hunt driving round in his old van. Just buy a Colnago C60. C59 is best bike Ive ridden and the C60 is supposed to be even better.

  • diamonddog
    diamonddog Posts: 3,426
    Im not I don't mind if the bike is technically any faster - but the "feeling" of being faster is what is most important for me....its what makes me want to ride the bike!

    Don't buy a Canyon then.

    My SLX feels super plush even at 25mph+.

    I liken it to driving a Fiesta and Ferrari at 80mph. Both equally capable of doing it, just one feels massively in its comfort zone, the other is at its limit. So a 'cheaper' bike might feel quicker than a top of the range one...

    Makes me think of James Hunt driving round in his old van. Just buy a Colnago C60. C59 is best bike Ive ridden and the C60 is supposed to be even better.