BB30 Service Intervals

Secteur Posts: 1,971
edited June 2015 in Workshop
I tend to be in the "service stuff only when it starts going wrong" camp, but I just wondered what the general consensus is with servicing (i.e. replacing the bearings) on a BB30 (actually a BB30A) bottom bracket.

I have run my BB30A bike for about 4000 mostly dry miles over the last year, and it is still running smoothly with no problems whatsoever.

I do all my own servicing, but have never serviced a BB30, though I have all the Park Tools, and have watched a lot of tutorial videos, but part of me feels "let sleeping dogs lie" given I have a perfectly functioning BB30.



  • boblo
    boblo Posts: 360
    I'd be inclined to leave it alone until it needs some TLC. There's plenty of examples on here of them going wrong so it might be best not to tempt providence. Servicing in this case is really limited to replacement. I have BB30 on one of my bikes. Unfortunately it's one if the badly behaved ones and has needed a slap at around 1000 miles. :-/
  • plodder73
    plodder73 Posts: 326
    Judging on my experience of BB30 if it's working fine leave well alone. You may replace the bearings and find that you have joined the " never having a BB30 again" club. I am a member.
  • mikenetic
    mikenetic Posts: 486
    I tend to be in the "service stuff only when it starts going wrong" camp, but I just wondered what the general consensus is with servicing (i.e. replacing the bearings) on a BB30 (actually a BB30A) bottom bracket.

    I have run my BB30A bike for about 4000 mostly dry miles over the last year, and it is still running smoothly with no problems whatsoever.

    I do all my own servicing, but have never serviced a BB30, though I have all the Park Tools, and have watched a lot of tutorial videos, but part of me feels "let sleeping dogs lie" given I have a perfectly functioning BB30.


    If you're lucky enough to have a perfectly functioning one with no creaks, rumbles or other issues then definitely leave it well alone.

    BB30 is like time trialling; don't go looking for pain, it'll find you soon enough. :wink:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    If you ride the bike in the wet, remove the seatpost and hang up the bike to let the water run out - BB30 bearings are seated directly in the BB shell - water spray comes down the seat-tube and collects. Bearings aren't really designed to run in water and will corrode quickly otherwise. Leaving the bearings in situ if not creaking, popping the seals and regular repacking with good grease if using the bike year round.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    Great, thanks guys!

    Best to leave well alone until there is a problem, as I suspected.

    It's a dry weather only bike, so is only exposed to very occasional wet conditions (unexpected rain or puddles now and again), and hence possibly why the BB is running as smoothly as day 1.

    I may just re-grease them as per the post above, without actually removing the bearing from the BB shell, and therefore not causing any problems.
  • Itz because your miles are dry miles that you are ok, factor in some wet rides and its a different story when the creaking starts, as for me i wouldnt go near a bb30
  • DomPro
    DomPro Posts: 321
    I had my BB30 bearings replaced after a year which is about 4000 miles and a handful of mucky wet rides. The drive side bearing started grinding and had some play in it which indicates it should have been replaced a 500 miles before I actually did.
    Shazam !!