Charging electronic gears (Ultegra Di2)

ballymenaman Posts: 4
edited June 2015 in Workshop
I got a new Cannondale today with Di2, and after a 10 minute ride, the electronics stopped working. I have tried now for several hours to get it fully recharged. The right hand light on the charging device continues to flash red, but even after two hours, when I disconnect the charger, the whole gearshift appears to be dead.

This is frustrating as it is a new bike and I was planning to ride this weekend.

Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else had this problem? Or do you think there is a fault?


  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Have you checked every connection and all the wires are connected properly ?
  • yes, several times. The light flashing is the error light so clearly something is not working, or I am doing something very stupid.
  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    How are you charging it from a wall adapter or computer/laptop usb port ? i read its meant to be charged from a computer.

    What model year is the bike ? If its been sat in storage for a long time the battery might have died/gone faulty.

    Another thing to try is a full reset. It may of gone into crash protection mode.
  • thanks. That is helpful. I seem now to have a full orange charging light so maybe it is finally working. I will know in an hour or so. I suspect you are right: it has probably gone dead in storage, although it is a 2015 model.