First real saddle sore!

smiley_boy2501 Posts: 126
edited June 2015 in Road general
Been cycling properly for about 5 years and so far no problems apart from some general discomfort.

However today I did a 120km 4 hour ride and I now have two raw patches on my ass!

Main difference in setup was I was using a set off clip on tt bars but I've used these before although maybe not at that distance.
Same shorts, same old saddle, same position. I even showered beforehand and used plenty of chamois cream.

The patches are symmetrical in position but the left is worse and almost exactly in the middle of each cheek. About 5cms for the left. Pain started about 3 hrs in and was worse sat up on the drops rather than on the tt bars.

Thoughts to the culprit and solution?

I plan on doing Piccadilly to Piccadilly (Manc to London) in 1 day in August. It'll be that setup essentially but maybe with some upgraded shorts.


  • Do you use chamois cream? If not might be an idea to start using some! I was a late convert but since I started using the cream I haven't had a single sore. Just a thought.
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    Get someone to look at your fit in the TT position. Most sores are caused by poor position and cream will only go so far to alleviate that.