Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition



  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Daz555 wrote:

    With the weather forecast on the the day 55km seems like a bit too much to ask. The air pressure is going to be very high and with Hutch saying it will be high enough to cost Wiggo a km in comparison to a low day.

    Didn't he say the combination of the track and the high pressure would together cost about a km? I'm taking it that the speed of the track has already been built in to schedules, so estimates only need to be reduced by an unspecified proportion of that km for the conditions on the day. That's why I've estimated a bit under 55km but still not far off it.

    If the air pressure was enough to cost a kilometre then it would make more sense to postpone the record for a couple of weeks surely?
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • tonyf34
    tonyf34 Posts: 194
    I think his experience especially on the track to measure his effort is a big factor, if he says he's only doing this once and he's in a good place mentally then he will waste himself, like Boardman did on his efforts.
    Conditions might well be a factor but I still expect him to go over 55km.
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    54.4km in one hour
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    Picks so far...

    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.400 gsk82
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68

    gsk82 and philbar72 can you pick again, distances already been picked.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Added my pick

    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.400 gsk82
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    left the forum March 2023
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68

    updated thanks Ian
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632
  • clanton
    clanton Posts: 1,289
    54.950 for me please
  • JackPozzi
    JackPozzi Posts: 1,191
    55.13 and he'll be riding for 1:00:07
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
  • KonkyWonky
    KonkyWonky Posts: 186
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    2013 Canyon Ultimate AL 7.0
    2003 Specialized Allez Sport
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    ye of little faith.......56.000 (was going to go for Boardmans record, but this'll do).
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.950 clanton
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.001 YorkshireRaw
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.075 mr_poll
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.130 JackPozzi
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    56.000 inseine

    Think the cut off time for this should be 6:00 tomorrow afternoon. I won't be able to update the full list of picks tomorrow as I'm going to see it. Maybe someone else could do so and work out who has won, I won't be able to until I get back on Monday afternoon. Should be pretty clear, although I'm surprised how many people have had a go.
  • carbonclem
    carbonclem Posts: 1,771
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.950 clanton
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.001 YorkshireRaw
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.075 mr_poll
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.130 JackPozzi
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.275 CarbonClem
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    56.000 inseine
    2020/2021/2022 Metric Century Challenge Winner
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • LeePaton
    LeePaton Posts: 353
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.950 clanton
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.001 YorkshireRaw
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.075 mr_poll
    55.100 philwint
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.135 LeePaton
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.130 JackPozzi
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.275 CarbonClem
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    56.000 inseine
    It's not so much about winning, I just hate losing.
  • rank_amateur
    rank_amateur Posts: 117
    55.985 - exactly twice what I managed on Strava's My Hour challenge today.
  • JackPozzi
    JackPozzi Posts: 1,191
    LeePaton wrote:
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.950 clanton
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.001 YorkshireRaw
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.075 mr_poll
    55.100 philwint
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.130 JackPozzi
    55.135 LeePaton
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.275 CarbonClem
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.999 ibbo68
    56.000 inseine

    Edited to correct order - mrushton and philbar72 on same time ATM
  • gattocattivo
    gattocattivo Posts: 500
  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    17.867 emadden
    23.451 Salsiccia1
    52.835 TheBigBean
    53.435 jam1e
    53.620 DeVlaeminck
    53.832 FJS
    53.995 Macaloon
    53.999 TWH
    54.000 Rick Chasey
    54.099 Daz555
    54.100 Mechanism
    54.120 Crozza
    54.121 KonkyWonky
    54.270 greasedscotsman
    54.321 RonB
    54.333 Blazing Saddles
    54.360 gsk82
    54.400 mididoctors
    54.410 NervexProf
    54.503 Wheelspinner
    54.511 Yellow Peril
    54.573 Pross
    54.581 bobmcstuff
    54.610 Ic.
    54.666 RichN95
    54.670 Slowmart
    54.672 Pokerface
    54.700 TTHR
    54.867 kfinlay
    54.839 FleashTuxedo
    54.888 The_Boy
    54.900 BigMat
    54.946 NorvernRob
    54.950 clanton
    54.955 cycling_mike
    54.998 my grandad's bike
    55.000 imatfaal
    55.001 YorkshireRaw
    55.010 Mad_Malx
    55.075 mr_poll
    55.100 philwint
    55.120 Graeme_S
    55.126 Joelsim
    55.130 JackPozzi
    55.135 LeePaton
    55.147 spaceman147
    55.184 tonyf34
    55.220 UncleMonty
    55.275 CarbonClem
    55.300 t4tomo
    55.346 No tA Doctor
    55.450 mrushton
    55.450 philbar72
    55.550 Coach H
    55.666 Ugo Santalucia
    55.850 OCDuPalais
    55.985 Rank_amateur
    55.999 ibbo68
    56.000 inseine

    Thanks JackPozzi, now with DeVlaminck and Rank_amateur added.
  • Allez Mark
    Allez Mark Posts: 364
    54 .92km
  • Elfed
    Elfed Posts: 459
    56.380 for me
  • johnboy183
    johnboy183 Posts: 832
    54.345 for me
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406

    Correlation is not causation.
  • lancew
    lancew Posts: 680
    Specialized Allez Sport 2013
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    54.85 please
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    I reckon he might give up after a while if he is not on schedule, so I'm going for the 'other' Wiggins turning up today...

    Distance = "Sod it, I'm going home"
    Half man, Half bike
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    54.750 please!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Ridgerider wrote:
    I reckon he might give up after a while if he is not on schedule, so I'm going for the 'other' Wiggins turning up today...

    Distance = "Sod it, I'm going home"

    Yeah but ya gotta guess how far in before he gives up ;).
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Ridgerider wrote:
    I reckon he might give up after a while if he is not on schedule, so I'm going for the 'other' Wiggins turning up today...

    Distance = "Sod it, I'm going home"
    You're just confused because you can't pick a Jumbo rider.
    Twitter: @RichN95