Pedals - Flat or SPD



  • I am physically unable to ride with anything but flats, so cannot comment fairly, however I like the ability to move freely off the pedals in a urban environment.
    i've had to switch to flats on both my bikes, the twisting out of the spds was killing my ankles. Don't have any probs with wide flats with pegs though

    I bought (and still have in the shed) an old pair of the original GT platform pedals from the old BMX days.

    Moved onto the DMR V6 pedals, might get round to getting another pair if they still do them for my new bike.

    I found these to be the best compromise between grip and being clipless.

    (I still have the scar down the back of my leg from the GT platform pedals, the pin went right in, then ran a good 4" up my leg. I was left with a curly bit of skin hanging off, like a pinwheel sausage!
    It happened coming out of Falmer onto the South Downs way when I was knackered, really on my chin straps, and I didn't feel a thing until the next day).