Deep Drop Brakes and Campagnolo Levers

williamac Posts: 71
edited May 2015 in Road buying advice

As a result of an issue with my frame, it is going to be replaced by the Manufacturer. However the new frame (the Mk 2 version) is now designed for Deep Drop Brakes. I currently have the "old" Athena 11 speed groupset and will therefore need to get some brakes that are compatible with this for the new frame.

Any recommendations or will any deep drop brake work fine?

Currently like the look of the Velo Orange brakes :D




  • kirkee
    kirkee Posts: 369
    Campag levers will work with any caliper brakes or canti's. They are more versatile regarding caliper suitability than Shimano levers as they will will work with brake calipers that don't incorperate a quick release mechanism as campag levers have the quick release button within the lever.
    Caveat - I buy and ride cheap, however, I reserve the right to advise on expensive kit that I have never actually used and possibly never will
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    I have Athena on winter bike with long drop brakes. After riding riding Record they feel terrible but thats probably nothing to do with the levers. Wish Campag would make them.
  • 70\ʹspenguin
    70\ʹspenguin Posts: 957
    Miche do long drop but not heard good reviews. I use Athena with ultegra long drop and work perfectly
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    The TRP957 is one choice and the usual one is Shimano R650 which is Ultegra level altho' BMC has a black Shimano deep drop at PR which may have been special issue. I use Chorus levers with the 650. The Velo Orange Grand Cru are poss. the discerning option but are more spendy but come in black. Fresh Tripe are the distributors I think.
  • LegendLust
    LegendLust Posts: 1,022
    Miche do long drop but not heard good reviews. I use Athena with ultegra long drop and work perfectly

    Really? Mine have been superb. Fit Swiss Stop Green and you won't have any problems.
  • Been running deep-drop brakes with Athena 11-speed levers for a few years now. I replaced the originally-specced Miche deep drop callipers (because they were pretty mediocre) for the aforementioned TRP957s. Which have been excellent.
    They use their cars as shopping baskets; they use their cars as overcoats.