
rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
edited April 2015 in Commuting chat
http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/t ... ekSuZ63mgW

He draws penises around potholes in order to get them filled sooner.



  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    with a bit more effort he/she could make the holes bigger thus forcing them to have to be fixed, unlike the one that broken my elbow. :evil:
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • MrSweary
    MrSweary Posts: 1,699
    More artistic merit than Banksy at least.
    Kinesis Racelite 4s disc
    Kona Paddy Wagon
    Canyon Roadlite Al 7.0 - reborn as single speed!
    Felt Z85 - mangled by taxi.
  • DrLex
    DrLex Posts: 2,142
    I liked the Council's attitude:
    (cut from another cycling website)
    However, a spokesman for the local council described the graffiti as “obscene” and said that removing it was diverting resources from road repairs.

    He said: “The actions of this individual are not only stupid but incredibly insulting to local residents.

    “Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school? Not only is this vandalism, but it’s also counter-productive.

    “Every penny that we have to spend cleaning off this graffiti is a penny less that we have to spend on actually repairing the potholes!”

    The spokesman, who urged anyone catching the street artist in the act to contact police, went on: “People are entitled to express their grievances to the council, but offending the public and wasting their council tax is not the way to resolve the situation.

    “Painting obscenities around potholes will not get them repaired any quicker, but simply waste valuable time and resources.”

    (My emphasis - clearly it did result in faster repairs!)
    Location: ciderspace
  • bendertherobot
    bendertherobot Posts: 11,684
    Won't someone think of the children, said the spokesperson, more or less.

    I have, I have 4 boys. They'd find it pant wettingly hilarious.
    My blog: http://www.roubaixcycling.cc (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • tangled_metal
    tangled_metal Posts: 4,021
    Not a very good representation of a penis, the balls are kind of too small for the width of the cock.

    Sorry mods but since the thread is about the art to draw attention to the potholes it is kind of relevant to comment on the art itself. You cant comment on it without use of these words.

    Totally pathetic BTW. You could be creative and paint something that incorporates the pothole in the art a bit more than a simple bit of genitalia.
  • Man Of Lard
    Man Of Lard Posts: 903
    Ah, but if it was aesthetically pleasing the council would probably enter some competition or other about "beautifying the streetscene" (or some equally inane rubbish) - if you make it offensive to Mrs Doris Stokes (73) who has the ear of her local councillor, something will get done.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Won't someone think of the children, said the spokesperson, more or less.

    I have, I have 4 boys. They'd find it pant wettingly hilarious.
    My 13 year old daughter would probably roll her eyes and give a slightly withering look to illustrate how sad and childish the male of the species are. Hopefully this attitude will continue when any male suitors come calling.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • MrSweary
    MrSweary Posts: 1,699
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Won't someone think of the children, said the spokesperson, more or less.

    I have, I have 4 boys. They'd find it pant wettingly hilarious.
    My 13 year old daughter would probably roll her eyes and give a slightly withering look to illustrate how sad and childish the male of the species are. Hopefully this attitude will continue when any male suitors come calling.

    It won't. You'll be needing the machete after all.
    Kinesis Racelite 4s disc
    Kona Paddy Wagon
    Canyon Roadlite Al 7.0 - reborn as single speed!
    Felt Z85 - mangled by taxi.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    MrSweary wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Won't someone think of the children, said the spokesperson, more or less.

    I have, I have 4 boys. They'd find it pant wettingly hilarious.
    My 13 year old daughter would probably roll her eyes and give a slightly withering look to illustrate how sad and childish the male of the species are. Hopefully this attitude will continue when any male suitors come calling.

    It won't. You'll be needing the machete after all.
    Thought as much. The machete is the back up plan.
    The boy got a lift home from his girlfriends from her Dad a while ago. I expected some words to be had, offering 'advice' about certain behaviour. Apparently nothing was said and my nerves were unfounded.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • MrSweary
    MrSweary Posts: 1,699
    Veronese68 wrote:
    MrSweary wrote:
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Won't someone think of the children, said the spokesperson, more or less.

    I have, I have 4 boys. They'd find it pant wettingly hilarious.
    My 13 year old daughter would probably roll her eyes and give a slightly withering look to illustrate how sad and childish the male of the species are. Hopefully this attitude will continue when any male suitors come calling.

    It won't. You'll be needing the machete after all.
    Thought as much. The machete is the back up plan.
    The boy got a lift home from his girlfriends from her Dad a while ago. I expected some words to be had, offering 'advice' about certain behaviour. Apparently nothing was said and my nerves were unfounded.

    Don't worry though - it'll only be a few years until she is rolling her eyes and giving withering looks again.
    Kinesis Racelite 4s disc
    Kona Paddy Wagon
    Canyon Roadlite Al 7.0 - reborn as single speed!
    Felt Z85 - mangled by taxi.
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Veronese68 wrote:
    The boy got a lift home from his girlfriends from her Dad a while ago. I expected some words to be had, offering 'advice' about certain behaviour. Apparently nothing was said and my nerves were unfounded.
    The dad was just making sure he really did go all the way home, rather than lurking round the corner until after lights out...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • Initialised
    Initialised Posts: 3,047
    Does time to cock have no limits?
    I used to just ride my bike to work but now I find myself going out looking for bigger and bigger hills.