Chain length opinions

shinsplint Posts: 565
edited April 2015 in Workshop
Simple question, is my chain length ok?

Just fitted the new 52/36 cranks and think I may need to take another link out, although I have just put an 11-28 cassette on (the one pictured is a 12-25).



  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    If shifting thru all the gear combinations works ok,
    and there is always adequate chain tension,
    and the derailleur pulley or cage never contacts the cassette,
    then it is ok.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    If you think it's too long, you need to put it in small/small and check that there's still chain tension.
  • cswitch
    cswitch Posts: 261
    +1. Check the small small and big big (carefully). If small small is borderline it can still skip a tooth in which I'd remove but worth checking what big big does to the mech cage.

    The correct length gets more critical the wider the cassette range i.e. 11-30 / 32 as its asking the rear mech to do more. Obviously cross chaining not advisable but you want to avoid the possible scenario of ripping the rear mech off the bike if you end up in big big by accident.
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    Worth adding that the things to check are:

    Big-big - chain should still have a serpentine profile through the jockey wheels, not a straight line. Upper jockey wheel should not be touching the cassette.

    Small-small - chain should still be under tension in (lower) return run; cage should also still be under tension, not completely folded back - check that the chain isn't touching itself where the return run meets the upper jockey wheel.