11-Speed Chain Links

delete_my_account Posts: 192
edited April 2015 in Road buying advice
I would like to get some replacement chain links in case my chain breaks while I'm out. I used to have 9-speed and used the Sram PowerLink things.

I can't find an 11-speed equivalent. Is there one?

I have found KMC ones but they're not reuseable (and £10 for two pairs). If I had some, It would be nice to be able to remove the chain to clean it etc.

Delete my fucking account.


  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Buy a new chain for £13 (assuming Shimano).

    Count the links of current chain and cut new chain to correct length. This will leave you with spare links in case of emergency and a spare chain when you need to replace current.
  • londoncommuter
    londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
    Why would you need them to reusable? If you just want them for emergencies when out on a ride then I'd have thought that wasn't a big deal?

    I went for the pack of 2 KMC links (and hopefully will never have to use them...).

    Happy to pass on the second one for half a pack price.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Why would you need them to reusable?

    The OP clearly states the reason, same reason as to why I use Missing Links on 9 speed. Taking the chain off for maintenance and cleaning is a good idea and helps a lot...and then sticking the same quick link back on saves money and avoids throwing it away. Shimano chain pins are not made to be reused so just keeping spare links cut off from a chain has limited value.
  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    I have re-used 10 and 11 speed KMC links plenty of times without issues. As long as you dont keep removing it i.e to clean your chain. They will be fine. To clean the chain whilst its on the bike just use a rag + one of those plastic chain cleaners with a handle + a degreaser solution.
    Taking the chain off for maintenance and cleaning is a good idea and helps a lot

    No it not :) its a waste of time. It will be back to being dirty again in no time at all. Life is too short to meticulously clean the inside of your chain rollers. Plus you weaken the chain every time you open the link.

    If i can get 5000 miles out of a chain. You'll get 5010 miles with your cleaning routine :)

    These YBN 11 speed links are £4.73 for 2 sets. They are re-useable. They say are for Sram,Shimano and Campagnolo. but i dont see why they wouldnt work with KMC
    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/x2-YBN-11-Spe ... 46339d5264
  • londoncommuter
    londoncommuter Posts: 1,550
    trailflow wrote:
    Life is too short to meticulously clean the inside of your chain rollers. Plus you weaken the chain every time you open the link.

    My thoughts exactly. Having a link that you can rely on to get you home when your chain splits 50 miles from home is far more important.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    trailflow wrote:
    Life is too short to meticulously clean the inside of your chain rollers. Plus you weaken the chain every time you open the link.

    My thoughts exactly. Having a link that you can rely on to get you home when your chain splits 50 miles from home is far more important.

    errm, you do know that the reusable links are, ermm, reusable. They do not weaken with use, that is the point. Most of the chain failures I have seen have been due to folks who have tried to reuse Shimano pins or it was the Shinamo chain plates themselves that have cracked.

    I agree that life is too short to meticulously clean chains, btw, but a good soak in chain cleaner once in a while seems to help to keep things sweet (and who wouldn't want a sweet drivechain :) ).
  • drlodge
    drlodge Posts: 4,826
    I also (re)use KMC links on my Record 11sp chain with no issues over 2.5 years. They are reusable even if the packet says they're not. Probably a case of the manufacturer covering their ar$e.
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  • g00se
    g00se Posts: 2,221
    I used to take the chain off when I had 10 speed. But to be honest, after going to 11, cleaning in situ was just as effective and quicker. Not the plastic box method, this way:
