Noisy Chain

Brakeless Posts: 865
edited April 2015 in Workshop
I've just fitted a new chain and cassette and it seems incredibly noisy and I can't work out why. Its Ultegra Chain rings (big ring is brand new) 105 cassette and KMC chain. Gears are indexed perfectly, I normally use shimano chains this is the first time I've put a KMC chain on. Any ideas?


  • JayKosta
    JayKosta Posts: 635
    Does the 'speeds' of the new chain match the number of gears on your cassette?

    Also inspect the chain to determine if any of the link pins protrude more than on your old chain.

    Jay Kosta
    Endwell NY USA
  • Ouija
    Ouija Posts: 1,386
    Also check obvious things like the chain is going through the derailleur properly (once accidentally put a chain over that bit of metal that holds the left and right sides of the swing arm plates together between the upper and lower jockey wheel and couldn't figure out why my chain was making a rasping, grating noise).

    Also, is the chain directional? I think only Shimano do directional chains (somebody will come along and inform me otherwise, i'm sure) but it's worth checking if the chain is fitted the right way round if it is.

    Also, did you shorten the chain to the correct length?