Front wheel making noise

ivanoile Posts: 202
edited April 2015 in Workshop
My new wheelset,Vision T24 (for PX,they have 24/24 and are 1550g) are making some creak noise.
I suspect the front wheel,I'm sure that the front is making that noise as with other front wheel the bike is fine.
But my LBS told me that the front wheel is fine,but creak is continued on each ride,most noticable is while sprinting or climbing out of saddle.

Is some spoke's fault or?


  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Sounds more like hub problem...
    left the forum March 2023
  • ivanoile
    ivanoile Posts: 202
    Can it be fixed at home or at LBS,or I need to send back front wheel to PX?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    ivanoile wrote:
    Can it be fixed at home or at LBS,or I need to send back front wheel to PX?

    Most likely it can, front hubs are simple creatures... the question is whether you know how to...
    left the forum March 2023
  • ivanoile
    ivanoile Posts: 202
    What exactly is the problem in the hub that makes noise?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Worn bearing, loose preload (if any), cracked axle... could be many things... worth disassembling
    left the forum March 2023
  • ivanoile
    ivanoile Posts: 202
    The wheel is quite new,bearings are spinning fine and everything is tight. But I still hear that sound.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    .. it's probably nothing then

    left the forum March 2023
  • doug5_10
    doug5_10 Posts: 465

    I vote for brake rub since sprinting and out of the saddle climbing will cause the most lateral flex.
    Edinburgh Revolution Curve
  • lapavoni10
    lapavoni10 Posts: 146
    Try cleaning dropout and tighten skewer a bit more....could be moving in dropout