Grinding/rubbing noise from rear wheel when in certain gears

danhoro Posts: 7
edited April 2015 in Workshop
I've recently bought a new road bike (Planet X RT 58 alloy) two weeks ago, and in the last couple of days I've noticed that when in the fourth and fifth cogs from the largest in the cassette, there is a slight 'frictiony', grinding/rubbing noise that happens once every rotation of the wheel. It's particularly noticeable in the fourth from largest cog.

I was worried that it might be a problem with the bearings in the rear hub, but the fact that the noise isn't noticeable when in harder or softer gears makes me think that might not be the problem.

I've checked the cassette and it doesn't appear misaligned, and I can't see any bent or damaged teeth, or any debris in the mechanism. I've also checked that the wheel is true, there is no rubbing on brake pads, and I've checked the tyre is seated properly.

I did give the bike a wash before cycling yesterday, but other than that I can't think of anything I've changed on the bike that would cause this.

Any ideas? Any help greatly appreciated, and please bear in mind I'm a bit new to this!


  • lpretro1
    lpretro1 Posts: 237
    Check b-screw adjustment on rd
  • danhoro
    danhoro Posts: 7
    Thanks, I'm holding off playing with the b-screw because I *think* I might have sorted it. I had previously tightened the cable tension as the derailleur wasn't consistently moving up to the biggest cog (I assume the cable had stretched a bit). It looks like I over-tightened, because the noise seems to have gone now that I have slackened it off a bit.