Ultegra 6700 3 gear change problem

extrusion Posts: 247
edited April 2015 in Workshop

Find this difficult to describe so bear with me.

I'm having a problem with new shifters I added to my bike, so I now have full ultegra 6700.

Everything works fine apart from when moving the rear derailleur from smaller cogs to bigger BUT doing it with 3 clicks in one go (full sweep). The chain jumps up the cogs fine, then I let go of lever and it drops back down one cog.

This only happens on the last 5 or 6 biggest cogs.

Prior to this I had Tiagra levers which worked fine.

You would think increase cable tension perhaps, but I did this which worked, but meant I could no longer shift to the smaller cogs.

Very very odd ...

Any ideas anyone??


  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Wild guess. The lubricant put inside the shifter internal mechanism when they were manufactured has conjealed over time siting in storage somewhere. So may not function 100%

    Try re-lubing the mechanism with spray grease or oil.

    The proper way to do it is flushing out the old lube with a degreaser. Then clean it off. Then re-lube.
  • extrusion
    extrusion Posts: 247
    Seems very smooth to shift otherwise so I'll relube as a last resort. Oh wait, last resort is a new frame!
  • extrusion
    extrusion Posts: 247
    After some garage investigation the shifter doesn't click on the third click if moving from cog 4 to 1 or 5 to 2. I guess this means it's not engaging and therefore the shifter is either a load of cack and needs to go back or as you say some lubing is required!
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    You could just one click one gear....?!?
    Multiple shifting... spend a bit more money on Campag.
  • extrusion
    extrusion Posts: 247
    Cos I'm used to doing three when I need to ...
    Just read the F manual, it only specifies 1 or 2 shifts. doh! Why can you do three in some gears then !?!? Oh well. Shall have to recalibrate my fingers.

    Or spend a bit more money and completely change almost every mechanical component on my bike. Yes ...