Cable rub on front derailleur

option_click Posts: 169
edited April 2015 in Workshop
Just having a slight problem with my front derailleur - I've set the limit screws but on the innermost adjustment, the cable is touching/pulling against the inner plate (see photo). It affects the thumbshifter return action. The cable clears as soon as the derailleur is trimmed or shifted onto the big ring.

The cable is routed and clamped correctly. Any ideas to stop this happening.
It's a 2015 Chorus braze on derailleur if it makes any difference, running with a 2011 Super Record group.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • cswitch
    cswitch Posts: 261
    its quite common, happens on my TT bike due to the set seat tube angle. Can you have the cable feeding this side of the rivet? May be smoother and not create the problem you describe.
  • mcdonji1
    mcdonji1 Posts: 121
    Check the derailleur mount. If it has some front rear adjustment you might be able to adjust to avoid this issue. I had similar problem on my Storck frame then found it was possible to slacken the "braze on mount"-actually held in place on frame with screws and was then able to rotate mount and realign front derailleur.
    Kind words butter no parsnips.