Fitting new front calliper brake

thistle_ Posts: 7,217
edited April 2015 in Workshop
My brakes were a bit past their best so I bought some new ones.

I had no problem fitting the rear. On the front however the allen bolt thing was stuck in the crown of my forks. I dismantled the old caliper then used the old through bolt as a drift to hammer out the nut as far as possible, followed by lots of cursing trying to prise it the last 5mm using screwdrivers, pliers and anything else I could find.

I don't want the new one to get stuck this badly. Is it simply a case of coating the nut with copper slip before putting it in to stop it seizing? Or is there something else I should be doing e.g. does the hole need reaming?

The fork crown seems to be aluminium ("carbon" fork) and the allen nut for the brakes is steel. There was lots of white powder in the hole through the forks and on the through bolt.


  • dj58
    dj58 Posts: 2,223
    The white powder is aluminium oxide corrosion, bare unpainted aluminium. Give the clearance hole and the underside of the fork crown a good clean out with a stiff nylon bristle bottle type brush, if the hollow nut is still a tight fit then carefully run a 6" engineers round file through to remove any growth. Use plenty of anti-seize on the caliper bolt and nut inner/outer mating surfaces, and if not using mudguards check regularly that the parts are not corroding together.