Garmin Vector S

sopworth Posts: 191
edited March 2015 in Road buying advice
Apologies in advance if there is already a thread about these. I didn't use the search function but did still through the most recent half dozen pages to see if there was a thread.....

Anyone using these and had and thought, views, problems etc?

I've got some in the post from Rose (decent price £520) after selling my Powertap last week. Whilst the powertap was awesome and gave me trouble free power reading for a couple of years, it was either buy another hub to build into a deep rim or sell and buy the pedals to interchange between the bikes.

I've been reading a thread over on a tri forum and there are mixed views so I thought I'd ask in here. Some of the problems seem to stem from not attaching the pod on using the correct torque.

Like I say, any feedback would be great and apologies for a duplicate thread.
