Converting Dura-ace C50 wheel from 10 to 11 speed!?

drplumbster Posts: 83
edited March 2015 in Workshop
Sorry if this has previously been done to death but what are the options?

Is it possible any other way than getting a brand new hub and completely rebuilding the wheel (Which is very expensive!)

I have seen a few DIY methods posted online involving machining down the freehub body but if I am honest I don't fancy trying this as i will almost certainly get it wrong.

I understand that the problem is the different design of both sides of the new 11 speed hub meaning that the spoke lengths are different therefore it is not a case of just switching the hub over.


  • trailflow
    trailflow Posts: 1,311
    Shimano do not offer an aftermarket Dura Ace 9000 rear hub in 20h.

    The only options are

    1. Remove material from the hub. There is a risk of the chain hitting the spokes when in the largest cog.

    2. Switching to a different brand of hub.

    3. Remove 1 cog from the 11 speed cassette. see here - ... 4&t=119299
    This option is only really meant for mechanical. If you are using Di2 , the make shift limit stop may damage the motor.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    i think ur 10sp cassette and wheel will work fine in an 11sp mechanical setup, the 11sp chain is same int dia as 10sp and narrower external, so the difference in indexing is minimised.
  • Mamba80 I do no think that it is that simple sadly.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    What about an Edco cassette?
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,703
    izza wrote:
    What about an Edco cassette?
    I think Token do one as well. Neither appear to be particularly good value. The Edco is £50 more than a dura ace cassette, four times the price of ultegra.
  • 964cup
    964cup Posts: 1,362
    You'd have to replace the hub. One option might be to pick up a worn-out WH9000-C24 rear. That's also a 20-spoke straight-pull hub, and should have appropriate spoke placement. You *might* be able to use the existing spokes from your C50s if the hub measurements haven't moved that much (the DS flange should be 1.85mm further in, so the DS spokes should be shorter, but perhaps not enough to bottom out in the nipples). I say this because rebuilding C24s is barely worth it, so worn out ones should be cheap. I've just done a pair using RS81 rims (because replacement C24 rims are more expensive than buying a new wheelset) and a) it was a pain in the bum and b) I ended up spending very close to the price of a full set of RS81s. It has to be C24s, because the 9000-series C35s and C50s are 21 (!) spoke rears.
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    izza wrote:
    What about an Edco cassette?
    I think Token do one as well. Neither appear to be particularly good value. The Edco is £50 more than a dura ace cassette, four times the price of ultegra.

    But cheaper than rebuild of wheel.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Mamba80 I do no think that it is that simple sadly.

    Read one of the post from the weight weenies thread referred to above, also have a read of this article? ... now_228686

    I ve also seen it done and its as simple as it gets, so long as its mech and not electronic.
  • Have sent you a PM
