Bent fork

milesb0801 Posts: 3
edited March 2015 in Workshop
Hi all,

I have an old Ammaco bike that I've had for a few years and love. It's a touring type bicycle that I spent a bit of money on a couple of years ago when I had it serviced, new chainset and derailleur etc. It's due another service but unfortunately on Wednesday I came off it after misjudging a bend on a small footpath and bent the front fork.

I'm pretty sure it's a steel frame and I've read online that you can just bend these out. I bent it back a little myself so it was ridable, it's nothing horrendous but feels a bit unsafe as the bike wants to turn to the right somewhat!

I took it to a bike shop this afternoon but the bloke there seemed pretty adamant that it needs replacing. He started asking me how much it cost as he wasn't sure it would be worth it, but he's going to give me a quote anyway. I'm anticipating from this he's going to give me quite a large quote, I haven't been to the shop before either so I can't comment on their quality of service. I just don't want to be ripped off on something that could be repaired for much cheaper, and I certainly don't want to say good bye to the bike!

Any thoughts would be appreciated!



  • woolwich
    woolwich Posts: 298
    In theory it is cheaply repairable with basic tools. However often these things are often not as straight forward as they first appear and it is hard to make clear statements without seeing it. I am afraid you'll have to take the shops word at face value or take it elsewhere. A local framebuilder will be far more confident sorting it than the LBS.
    Or a replacement fork shouldn't be discounted as reasonable cost. Something basic like a Pompetamine fork might do the job for around £40. Or try SJS Cycles who may have something from Surley for around £80. Then there is always ebay, £20 or £30 should find you a really nice used or NOS item.
    Mud to Mudguards. The Art of framebuilding.
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    should be able to pickup a basic steel fork for £15/£20 or as said, something on eBay
  • Yeah I was quoted somewhere in the region of £80 just for a fork. I went and got my bike from the shop after all!