Problems with new Canyon

rhysyd Posts: 141
edited March 2015 in Workshop
Done about 400 miles on my new canyon ultimate al slx.. cracking bike..

But there is an awful annoying creak/click/annoying noise, whatever you want to call it coming from somewhere i cant point out.

Sitting down in the saddle putting down power, nothing not a noise, smooth as anything. But, as soon as i stand up and there becomes a slight rock in the bike when im climbing the annoying noise starts. If i get out of the saddle and keep bars completely still asif i was riding in the saddle there is no noise whatsoever. It just seems to becoming when the bike moves from side to side.

Ive tried all the usually, grease pedals,stem,seatpost,crank but nothing solved it. Sometimes aswell i can hear the brake pads rubbing when im out the saddle. The wheels are mavic ksyrium elite s wts

Thanks alot


  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Undo the stem bolts, slacken off the headset and after giving it a few full lock turns re-tighten everything and try again. Out of saddle creaks are generally front end of the bike.
  • have a look at the front skewers
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    Check the wheels!
    Mine came with mavic Ksyrium. After a couple of rides I noticed a horrible cracking noise every time I put the power down. I assumed it was the BB but when the lbs looked at it there was no problem with it.
    Canyon were fantastic & had the bike back to inspect. They found the noise was coming from the wheels (spokes to be precise).
    They serviced & tensioned them & its been absolutely fine ever since.
  • crikey
    crikey Posts: 362
    Take it back to the bike shop....Oh... :twisted:
  • rhysyd
    rhysyd Posts: 141
    have a look at the front skewers

    Took bike off the stand , put all my weight on the bike then tightend both QR, just took it round the block and I think it seems to have fixed it, should you always put wheels back on with the bike on the floor rather then on a stand?
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,727
    This is why I ride titanium!! It doesn't make such a good speaker system as a carbon frame.

    Sound like its most likely something at the front end - check the bars in the clamp and that the headset is correctly pre-tensioned and the stem bolts at the steerer roughly equally tensioned etc . Then check for play in the front wheel bearings, try wd40 in the spoke beds and see if that's a temporary fix, etc.

    But you should be aware of the possibility that the forces through the pedals, crank, drive train etc all change when you are "honking". Indeed the rear wheel is, like the front, subject to more lateral force. So you might find yourself working backwards through the bike.

    Best advice is be systematic. Don't necessarily tightening everything - what you are looking for is a change.
  • Bozman
    Bozman Posts: 2,518
    Try the headset, I had a similar noise that seemed to be located around the crank area, everything was checked and some items were swapped out with spares but it was still there, someone suggested the headset... the rest is history and so was the creak.
  • kajjal
    kajjal Posts: 3,380
    rhysyd wrote:
    have a look at the front skewers

    Took bike off the stand , put all my weight on the bike then tightend both QR, just took it round the block and I think it seems to have fixed it, should you always put wheels back on with the bike on the floor rather then on a stand?

    Yes, it means you can apply a little weight when tightening up the QR, with the wheel in the right position. In mid air things are not as stable when tightening the QR.
  • LEY8R
    LEY8R Posts: 11
    Mavic skewers can creak at the pivots-speaking from experience.
  • brettjmcc
    brettjmcc Posts: 1,361
    Also try to take out the seatpost, reassemble with assembly paste

    Assume you have read the 16 pages here: viewtopic.php?f=40004&t=12581556
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  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    rhysyd wrote:
    have a look at the front skewers

    Took bike off the stand , put all my weight on the bike then tightend both QR, just took it round the block and I think it seems to have fixed it, should you always put wheels back on with the bike on the floor rather then on a stand?

    You should always put the bike on the ground, then loosen and re-tighten the skewers to make sure the wheel is fully seated in the dropouts. IMO of course.
  • dgunthor
    dgunthor Posts: 644
    bottom bracket creaking? pedals?
  • cswitch
    cswitch Posts: 261
    sounds like skewers to me but it could be the BB. Try it with completely different skewers - the heavy type. If on a ride you tighten the skewer and it stops creaking but then comes back after a few minutes it's likely skewers.