Piece of metal in carbon frame

lexolexlexo Posts: 3
edited March 2015 in Workshop
Hello Bikeradar people!

First of all Hello! as I am new here, and I hope I can get you guys interested in the following:

While cycling my TT bike, I heard some rattling in my frame. Decided to stop, remove the seatpost and when I flipped the bike a piece of metal fell out of the frame. I assume it's aluminium, but I have no idea why it is there?

The piece looked like this: WyJu4QV.jpg and it dropped out of this frame: 6011345945_83c821e645.jpg.

What is this? Why is it in there? And is it still safe to ride my bike? Over to you!

Your help is appreciated!


  • arlowood
    arlowood Posts: 2,561
    This is just a guess but the metal looks to have some residual glue along one edge.

    Could have been part of a former used during the lay up stage of the carbon that got stuck in place and left behind. Over time the vibration of riding has dislodged it.

    Don't think it has any structural integrity for the frame. Others with wiser heads may be able to be more specific.

    I'd contact the supplier/manufacturer and ask the same question.
  • reds99
    reds99 Posts: 46
    That piece of metal will have nothing structurally to do with the frame, in all the carbon components i have produced, metal doesnt go anywhere near until after the cure. So the frame will be sound. Its a packer for the seat post possibly.
  • Alright, that sort of confirms what I thought. I will just keep on cycling happily then! Thanks so much for your help. Appreciate it.