Liars - or similar

debeli Posts: 583
edited March 2015 in The cake stop
A few weeks back, NBC anchor (similar spelling) was caught in a lie he'd been telling for years about his helicopter taking a hit when it didn't.

A few years ago, Hillary Clinton was caught in a lie she told about running from snipers at Camp Eagle in Bosnia, when in fact she was met by a school choir and a civic reception.

Williams is a journalist and nobody really cares. Clinton is likely (at least not unlikely) to spend four years in the White House. She put it down to mis-speaking.... It was a lie.

How can someone who has done that and been so glib about it seek (and gain) high office?

I am not being naive in asking; I just thought I'd see whether people think I take mis-speaking too seriously.


  • Wunnunda
    Wunnunda Posts: 214
    Both guilty of telling 'fisherman's tales' aren't they? They look stupid, and should have the p1ss taken out of them mercilessly but they are basically being guilty of a form of 'my dad's bigger then your dad' boasting that most leave behind on the playground. They should both lose credibility.

    A journalist that, for example, plagiarised work, or a politician that was corrupt, would be far worse IMO.
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    There was a psychologist commenting about it (the NBC anchor) saying it can be a condition - prob a research grant in it! But sometimes tell enough lies/bullsh*t and people believe it.
  • slowmart
    slowmart Posts: 4,516
    Hilary's a shoe in as President unless the Republicans can find and communicate relevant policies to their electorate with possibly Jeb Bush as the current Republican favourite.

    I suppose if Bush becomes President he can't start or finish off conflicts or invade or base invasions on wildly inaccurate intelligence can he..... :shock:
    “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Teach a man to cycle and he will realize fishing is stupid and boring”

    Desmond Tutu
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    You seriously expect any politician to tell the truth?
    WMD, no top down changes in nhs, no increase in tuition fees, no rises in vat... i could go on ... and on.... and on :)