Garmin 810 turn by turn

rolf_f Posts: 16,015
edited March 2015 in Workshop

Just bought a Garmin 810. I set it up and put a route into it and it nicely showed me the next turn by turn instruction at the top of the map view. As I approached a junction, a thick arrow appeared to highlight the way I had to go. It looked pretty neat and even did a good job of navigating me back onto my route when I deliberately left the route.

So what has happened that I can't see it anymore?!! Now if I navigate, I have the route to follow but there are no turn by turn instructions. It just tells me what street I'm on. If I 'navigate to start' everything looks OK - the turn by turn is perfectly functional. However, when I get to the start of the route, it just tells me I've arrived at the start of the route. And if I restart the route from the start, there's still no turn by turn. Behaviour seems the same whether the route is saved as tcx or gpx.

Obviously, either I'm stupid or the Garmins stupid but any ideas appreciated.
Faster than a tent.......


  • sirmol
    sirmol Posts: 287
    When you click on the route to follow - under the settings (Spanner i think it is) there is an option to turn on navigation. Just make sure when you click on navigate you check that route has it clicked on
  • Speckled
    Speckled Posts: 97
    As the guy said above you have to turn the guidance on in the spanner setting before you click start, you have to manually do this with every new route. Not sure if it remembers the setting if you do the route again?

    Make sure you turn it on before you hit start though, ive realised mine wasnt on part into a ride and it screwed up a bit when i turned it on, best of ending the course and restarting it if you forget