Rifkind and Straw. What a surprise! NOT!



  • I'm so glad there have not been any of those "greedy Tories" jibes on here considering the tory was caught alongside a Labour bigwig.

    All I can say is Jack Straw is a bit of a crank. I used to see him in Blackburn centre with a loud hailer spouting rubbish from the top of his head. I didn;t realise he was a politician for ages just thought he was a religious nut saying the end of the world was near. Never listened to him until I was standing around outside M&S (his favoured haunt) waiting to meet someone for a lift home. I actually listened to his spoutings on political matters and thought I wish he was a religious nut. They talk more sense. He's a crank who got into position of power. No wonder he plans to use that to make money.

    He's a crank who took over from the good will of Barbara Castle. Much like Nigel Evans took over the good will of David Waddington in the neighbouring constituency. Taking over a large majority like that really sets you up for the feeding trough it seems. So glad he's ben caught out even if nothing happens to him. Afterall Tories are so used to falling on their sword but Labour rarely do that. I think he will stick it out, labour won't drop him like the Tories would.
  • Wunnunda
    Wunnunda Posts: 214
    I thought Straw had said some months back that he wasn't standing again..?
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    lets face it Tangled, after Blair, no dyed in the wool socialist can EVER make a "greedy tory" jibe, given enough time they ALL forget why they entered politics (if they every got into it for altruistic motives?) and just become "Greedy" but Rifkind is unique in that he was chair of the committee overseeing the intelligence agencies and as such, should have been far above this sort of thing

    For the first time, I am seriously considering not voting, without some form of PR, not voting mainstream is a utter waste and lab/Con (liberals are finished) are far too similar to bother with, of the alternatives; I couldn't bring myself to even consider ukip and the Greens cant even remember what they are pitching for lol!