Power Tap Reliability Issues

ck101 Posts: 222
edited February 2015 in Road general
I'm certain this one has been done to death at this stage but wanted to get others opinions on Powertap, particularly in relation to G3 reliability.

I had a relatively unused (out of warranty) Powertap Pro+,covered max 1500K. It started giving erratic readings so I returned it to Paligap during the Summer. Paligap's standard process seems to be to recommend an upgrade to G3 at a cost of £490 or so.

I paid for the upgrade and then used it for a month or two, I noticed the calibration value crawled from 512 to 520 over the 8 weeks of light use. After being off this bike for the winter I powered it up today to see it was now reading 530. Out of tolerance and needs to go back for a service.

I raised a case today on the Paligap site and notice it prompts an auto response with a label for return. Must have a lot of returns for them not to screen returns.

Are Paligap skating thin ice on potentially what could be an issue for Trading Standards?

I'd welcome a response here from either Paligap or Powertap if they're reading.



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